wrist-pain1If you sprain your wrist or ankle, should you get it looked at?  Yes…the usual signs and symptoms of a muscle sprain or strain includes pain, swelling, bruising, inflammation, muscle weakness and the loss of the ability to move the joint/muscle.

A sprain is an injury to a ligament; that’s the fibrous tissue that connects bones to other bones. Ligament injuries involve a stretching or a tearing of the fibrous tissue.

A strain is an injury to either a muscle or a tendon which are the tissues that connect the muscles to the bones. Depending on the severity, a strain can be a simple overstretched muscle or can result in a tear of the muscles or tendon.

For the first 24 to 48 hours after a sprain or muscle strain you should:

• Rest the sprained or strained area..
• Ice for 20 minutes every hour. (Never put ice directly against the skin)
• Compress by wrapping a tensor bandage or sleeve lightly around the joint or limb
• Elevate the area above heart level

For the first 72 hours after a sprain or muscle strain you should avoid:

• Heat – such as hot baths, saunas or heat packs
• Alcohol – this will increase bleeding and swelling and decrease healing
• Running – any form of exercise that could cause more damage
• Massage – may increase bleeding and swelling

If your injury is a sprain, don’t stop moving the affected joint, and make sure to begin gentle exercises as soon as possible several times a day. The aim is to get the joint moving, and to prevent it becoming stiff.

If your injury is a strain, it’s best to immobilize the injured muscle for the first few days to allow it to start healing so you can move it without injuring it again in the same place.

Chronic strains and sprains are usually the result of prolonged overuse or repetitive movement of the muscles and tendons and the length of time it takes to recover from a sprain or strain depends on how severe it is.

Always have your health care practitioner examine your injury. The  healing time can range anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months, and your Chiropractor or Physiotherapist can diagnosis your injury and can advise you on the correct treatment, including creating a range of exercises and therapies that will help you to improve the function and strength of the joints and muscles, and help speed up the recovery time.

Tennis ElbowTennis elbow is an overuse and muscle strain injury caused by the repeated contraction of the forearm muscles that you use to straighten and raise your hand and wrist and affects 1% to 3% of the overall population.  Repeated motion and stress to the tissue can cause inflammation or even a series of tiny tears in the tendons that attach the forearm muscles to the bony “knob” at the outside of your elbow, and the results can be painful.

Many common activities other than playing tennis, can cause this painful condition, including gardening, working around the house, or any activity that involves repetitive twisting of the wrist.  Pain and weakness caused by tennis elbow can make it difficult to do simple everyday activities such as shake hands, use a doorknob, or hold a coffee cup.

If you think you have tennis elbow, it’s always best to consult a healthcare provider to get an expert opinion.  Luckily, up to 90% of cases can be remedied by nonsurgical treatments, and symptoms usually diminish within four to six weeks after receiving appropriate treatment.

For immediate relief, often just resting and applying ice may help relieve symptoms, and anti-inflammatory medications can help reduce pain.  Braces or wrist splints may also help to relieve the symptoms of tennis elbow along with specific range of motion exercises.

The type of treatment prescribed for tennis elbow will depend on several factors, including age, overall health, medical history, and severity of pain. The goals of treatment are to reduce pain or inflammation, promote healing, and decrease stress and abuse on the injured elbow.

Physiotherapy & Chiropractic treatments can help treat tennis elbow; using a combination of Ultrasound, Class IV Laser, Shockwave Therapy and Graston Instruments to reduce inflammation. Specific exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscles of your forearm will help to strengthen those muscle and keep the chance of tennis elbow from re-occurring.

Your practitioner will also discuss changes you need to make to your work environment, sport technique or sports equipment that you are currently using.

One of the best things you can do for a sore back is to stretch. Stretching a sore back can help bring back some suppleness and increase in mobility, decrease back pain and discomfort, and improve your range of motion.

An important note about stretching

Never continue a stretch or take part in any activity that hurts your back. Take it easy, and remember to always seek the advice of a professional.

Learn more about our team of chiropractors and how they can help.

Stretching should be pain free, so never force your body into difficult positions. Move into the stretch slowly and avoid bouncing, which may actually tear muscles. Hold stretches long enough (15-30 seconds) to allow muscles or joints to become loosened.

Here are three stretches  you can do at home to help your sore back.

Back Flexion Stretch:

Start by lying on your back and pulling both knees to your chest, while simultaneously flexing your head forward into a balled-up position until you feel a comfortable stretch in your back. Repeat for 5 to 10 repetitions.

Continue lying down on your back with your knees all the way up as far as you can toward your chest. Hug them with your arms, then roll back and forth along your back. As your body rolls with your legs and arms tucked in, your back will get a nice stretch. This stretch is to be done slowly. Repeat for 5 to 10 repetitions.

Knee to Chest Stretch:

Start by lying on your back with the knees bent and both heels on the floor.   Bring one knee to your chest and wrap both hands around your knee to increase the stretch. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds and repeat the stretch on the opposite leg. Repeat for 5 to 10 repetitions.

Hip Stretch:

While standing with feet shoulder-width apart, take a half-step back with the right foot, bend the left knee and shift weight back to the right hip. While keeping the right leg straight, bend forward more and reach down the right leg until a stretch in the outer hip is felt.

If you have persistent back pain  (learn more about chronic back pain) please seek out medical help from your health care practitioner. They can rule out any serious aliments or conditions, and then you can start one of the best things you can do for a sore back – STRETCH!

Diversified Health Clinic

Diversified Health Clinic

Early intervention is critical to a speedy recovery. Research has proven that people who seek therapy early after an injury have shorter recovery periods.

When you choose Diversified Health Clinic you will find experienced physiotherapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists and massage therapists  who work together to ensure our patients have access to the finest diagnostic tools, treatments and therapies available from each discipline, and work together to ensure optimal care for our patients.

Our Healthcare Practitioners Offer:

  • Results: Proven, one-to-one, evidence-based therapy
  • Coverage Options:  Chiropractic, Physiotherapy and Massage are covered by most insurance, with little to no out-of-pocket fees
  • Efficient Recovery:  We get you back to enjoying a pain free life as quickly as possible
  • Short & Long Term Relief:  We focus on the root cause of your pain, not just symptoms
  • Flexible Scheduling:  Convenient scheduling around work and home obligations
  • Prevention Strategies:  We show you how to keep pain from coming back – on your own
  • Experienced Practitioners:  Licensed practitioners who genuinely care about your health

At the Diversified Health Clinic, we take a team approach towards maintaining your health. Each of our specialists brings their particular set of skills to the partnership giving us the collective ability to treat a wide variety of diseases and conditions from a multitude of perspectives.

Early intervention is especially important if you have suffered an injury at work or have been in a car accident.  Read an interview with Dr. Gustavson where he discusses personal injuries experienced in automobile accidents.

 Whether you are a stay-at-home parent, an active individual or a professional athlete, the benefits of our custom, effective treatments will get you back to being pain free, improve your athletic performance and get you to the next level.

Treatments for Carpal Tunnel SyndromeCarpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the palm of the hand becomes compressed at the wrist. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway of ligament and bones at the base of the hand, and houses the median nerve and tendons. Swelling or thickening from irritated tendons narrows the tunnel and causes the median nerve to be compressed, which results in pain, weakness, and numbness in the hand and wrist.

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can include burning, tingling, numbness, pins and needles and pain.  Weakness of some muscles in the fingers, thumb and wrist can occur and if left untreated can lead to muscle atrophy.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by the result of a trauma or injury to the wrist such as sprain or fracture, rheumatoid arthritis, or a mechanical problem in the wrist joint caused by work stress or a repetitive activity.

Treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome:

  • REST – The initial treatment generally involves resting the affected hand and wrist for set period of time, avoiding activities that may worsen your symptoms, and wearing a wrist brace to avoid further damage from twisting or bending.
  • BRACE – A removable wrist brace is often advised as a first treatment choice.  The brace keeps the wrist at a neutral angle, allowing the carpal tunnel nerve to rest.
  • MEDICATION –  If there is inflammation, anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and other nonprescription pain relievers, can reduce the swelling and pain.  An injection of steroid into the carpal tunnel is an option, as steroids are known to reduce inflammation.
  • THERAPIES –  Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Physiotherapy and Chiropractic treatments are beneficial for this type of injury.
  • MODALITIES – Ultrasound and Laser Therapy help restore circulation, reduce inflammation, reduce swelling, muscle spasms, stiffness and pain, and speeds up the healing process at a cellular level.
  • EXERCISE – Stretching exercises can strengthen your wrist and hand so that you avoid further symptoms in the future.
  • SURGERY – A small operation can cut the ligament over the front of the wrist and ease the pressure in the carpal tunnel.

Initial treatments will include rest, immobilization of the wrist and ice application. Many patients will need to modify their activities and work environment, which can include adjusting keyboards, screens and chair heights, as well as modifying their workouts. These measures, as well as periodic resting and range of motion stretching exercise of the wrists provided by our physiotherapist, can help prevent the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

How to Get the Most From Your Next TreatmentHaving a successful treatment starts before you see your practitioner. On your next visit to your health care practitioner try incorporating these tips.

  • Getting adequate rest the night before your treatment is an important part of the healing process.
  • Arrive on time to your sessions.  If you arrive in a frenzied state, it will take you longer to relax.
  • Remember that your practitioner may have another appointment directly after your own and your treatment time will be cut short if you arrive late.
  • Wear clothing that will be comfortable during a treatment session.
  • Before the treatment begins, always give an accurate health update, and bring any relevant letters, imaging and/or scan results.
  • During a treatment, report any discomfort that you are feeling right away and don’t be afraid to discuss any concerns.
  • Remember to breathe normally throughout your treatment session.  If you are anxious about the treatment, your breathing will be shallow and limited.  Talking with your practitioner about your anxiety will help you relax.
  • Stay hydrated, remember to drink water before and after your treatment.
  • Don’t get up too quickly from the treatment table.  Getting off the table too fast, can make you feel dizzy or light headed.
  • Part of any treatment includes the moments after the the treatment is over.  Make sure you take enough time in the room to integrate and assimilate the results of your session.
  • Try to stay active after a treatment.  In most cases, movement after a session will help the treatment hold for a longer period of time.
  • Be honest with your practitioner;  if a treatment is not working let them know.  A good health care practitioner will choose another approach or modality to treat your condition.

Part of any good health care solution is being part of a team, and Diversified Health has numerous disciplines, treatment options, modalities and practitioners to help you get feeling better faster!

EToimsNews Release – The company LLC is marketing a surface electrical stimulation device that targets deep muscles to relieve myofascial pain and discomfort. The patented portable ET127 Evoked Response Stimulator excites deep trigger points to elicit muscle twitches. According to the company, these abrupt, brisk, and vigorous twitches relieve pain by ending muscle spasms and promoting healing of irritable trigger points.

Twitches produced by eToims (electrical twitch obtaining intramuscular stimulation) stretch muscle fibers in spasm, resulting in compression of intramuscular blood vessels and nerve fibers and reducing traction on pain-sensitive structures, such as periosteum and joint capsules to which muscles attach, says Jennifer Chu, MD, founder of eToims Medical Technology. She explains that consequently, twitch-induced exercise also promotes local blood flow, improving tissue oxygenation, promoting healing, and removing local accumulation of pain-producing neurochemicals.

In normal situations, trigger points stimulated to twitch produce movements that effect joint rocking and shaking. In acute situations, hyperexcitability of trigger points produces forceful twitches sufficient to lift the joint on which the stimulated muscle acts, causing these twitches to dissipate abruptly. In chronic situations, trigger points are very difficult to find, and twitch forces are feeble, says Chu.

According to Chu, acute and subacute myofascial problems resolve well with eToims as a standalone treatment. However, chronic problems tend to have guarded prognosis due to the presence of partial nerve and muscle fibrosis, requiring long-term eToims as an adjunctive treatment for improvement of quality of life. Chu has found that twitches, key to relief of myofascial pain or discomfort, are simultaneously diagnostic, therapeutic, and prognostic.

In the presence of very tight muscles, whereas routine exercise produces simultaneous active contractions of many muscles that can increase ischemic pain, eToims-induced twitches can enable active, painless exercise of 1 muscle at a time to remove or reduce pain.

Chu notes that a top football franchise in the UK now uses eToims for rehabilitation to prevent injuries as well as to rapidly rehabilitate soft tissue injuries to reduce elite-player down time. ET127 is now available for sale to clinicians in Europe, Canada, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, as well as for home use as a personal device.

The practitioners at Diversified Health are certified to use eToims Therapy as a part of your treatment plan.

stress-and-acid-refluxLong-term exposure to stress can lead to serious health issues by raising your blood pressure, increasing your risk of having a heart attack, and suppressing your immune system. Ignoring the symptoms of stress can lead to anxiety and depression.

Physical symptoms from prolonged stress can range from headaches, upset stomach, high blood pressure, chest pains, difficulty breathing and trouble sleeping.

Everyone deals with stress differently; the import factor is to find healthy ways  to deal with stress that work for you.

#1 most effective way to deal with stress – RELAX

Deep Breathing | Deliberate and mindful breathing will help your muscles to relax and make you feel less tense.

Massage | Booking even a short 30 minute massage focusing on the muscles in the back of your neck and upper back will help you feel less tense.

Time Out | Stepping away from the situation, even for a few minutes will have a beneficial effect on your mood. Going for a walk around the block can go a long way to decreasing your stress.

Grateful List | Make a mental list of 5 things you are thankful for. This will remove your focus from the stressful situation and will allow you to gain quick perspective of your life.

#2 Take care of your body

Sleep | 7 to 9 hours will help your body recover

Eat healthy | Eat fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains. Don’t fall into bad habits of junk food, and limit your caffeine or high-sugar snack foods.

Exercise | Getting physical activity helps relax your tense muscles and improve your mood.

 Avoid | alcohol, drugs, smoking

# 3 Involve your Health Care Practitioners

Be proactive – don’t wait till you can no longer cope.  Make sure that you talk to your health care practitioner, and work together to find a treatment plan that works for you.

Book a massage –  Clinical studies show that even a single 1 ½ -hour session can significantly lower heart rate, cortisol levels and insulin levels-all of which help reduce stress through massage therapy. On-going massage therapy can improve overall physical and mental performance.

Book an acupuncture session – The body secretes hormones into the bloodstream as a reaction to stress.  Acupuncture can block the chronic, stress-induced elevations of these hormones leaving you with a sense of calm & relaxation.

Book a Chiropractic session – One of the effects of chronic stress is prolonged muscle tension. This muscle tension can leads to a misalignment of the spine and the other joints in the body. These misalignments can cause common conditions such as; back pain, neck pain, and headaches. Chiropractic adjustments reduce nerve irritation, improve circulation, and release muscle tension.

Book a Physiotherapy session – can assist decease stress levels through manual therapy. Manual therapy involves manipulation of muscles and tissues in the body. This technique is used to reduce muscle tension, improve circulation, and carry fresh oxygen to tissues in the body.

What is the Difference Between a Headache and a Migraine?Tension headaches and migraines are both considered types of headaches; with tension headaches being the most common.

The most frequent reason for a tension head ache is muscle tension and is generally associated  with postural problems. Tension headaches tend to be caused by stress, exhaustion, noise and eye strain. Tension headaches are frequently linked to disk problems or degenrative bone disease within the neck or spinal column.

A migraine headache or vascular headache is known by a throbbing or pulsating pain.  Migraine headaches are often incapacitating and are associated with nausea or vomiting, disrupted sleep, pain in the neck and head area, sensitivity to light, sound and certain odors. Certain foods, like aged cheese and red wine, can trigger headaches and migraines, so take a look at what you are eating.  An easy way to track potential trigger foods is to start a food journal.

Your headache may be a migraine if you have a combination of these symptoms:

  • Moderate to severe pain
  • Sensitivity to light, noise or odors
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sensations of being very warm or cold
  • Fatigue or Dizziness
  • flashing dots or lights

If you think your  headache might be a migraine, please see a health care practitioner for your treatment options. You want to make sure that you have your neck and upper and lower back checked by your health care practitioner to rule out any structural causes caused by tightened muscles in the the neck and back regions.

Sometimes headaches can signal a more serious problem. You should talk to your health care practitioner about your headaches if…

  • You have several headaches per month
  • You have nausea, vomiting, vision, or suffer from numbness or tingling
  • You have a severe headache with a stiff neck or pain around the eye or ear
  • You have a headache with confusion, loss of alertness or loss of speech
  • You have a headache after a blow to the head
  • You used to be headache-free, but now experience frequent headaches

 “Although the exact cause of migraine headaches isn’t completely understood, medical researchers believe that migraine headaches are caused by altered blood flow and abnormal levels of naturally produced substances in the brain. When blood flow is decreased, certain arteries dilate and cause pain producing chemicals to be released. Additionally, the dilation causes an increase in the natural substance levels. This makes the blood vessels lining the brain swell and creates pressure on nearby nerves.  These nerves send pain signals to the body that are typically felt around the eye or temple region and can extend to the face, sinus, jaw, or neck.

A health care practitioner can determine if your headache is a migraine, and can prescribe the best treatment option – Chiropractic, Acupuncture or Physiotherapy for your unique symptoms.

Painful Feet - Find Out Why?Our feet are subject to “abuse” on a daily basis.  Foot pain can be due to ill-fitting footwear, injuries such as a sprain caused by a stretched or torn ligament, or a stress fractures of bones in the foot, which can result from accidents or overuse while engaging in sports or exercise.

The obvious symptoms of foot trouble is pain.  If you are limping, or avoiding placing weight on your heel or toes you need to find out why.  Feet are extremely complex structures composed of bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, nerves, blood vessels, and skin.  Even without pain, foot dysfunction can cause your entire body to overcompensate, which can lead to back and hip pain.

The problem with foot pain is that it can force you to modify the way you walk which creates significant stress on the joints of your legs, hips, and lower spine.  A common foot problem is Pronation.  If you pronate; some of the bones of the foot drop to a less stable position because the foot arch is too weak to keep them in proper alignment.  The arches themselves may be unnaturally stretched which places stress on the entire foot – this is known as “flat feet”.

Another common problem — one that is often found along with pronation — is Plantar Fascitis.   Plantar Fascitis is a stress irritation of the sheath of elastic tissues running nearly the entire length of the foot.  If not treated, both conditions can lead to progressive development of foot malfunction and discomfort.

Chiropractic and Physiotherapy can help overcome foot and ankle problems.  The practitioners can use a number of diagnostic tests and treatments, including examining your gait and foot function.  They will palpate your feet and ankles to measure any limitations in range of motion to identify what is causing your pain, and determine the best course of treatment.

These treatments can consist of Shockwave Therapy, Class IV-Laser,  eToims treatment, or orthotics. Our health care practitioners can provide lifestyle counseling/exercsies that can help reduce biological and psychological stresses on your body as a whole.