Runner’s knee

Don’t Let Running-Related Pain and Injury Stop You

It's running season again, with several running events happening in Victoria between May and October. Significant upcoming running events like…

Knee Physiotherapy: Why Ignoring Knee Pain is Foolish

Whether it's an intermittent pain that flares up during certain activities, sudden pain with no apparent cause, or chronic discomfort…

Runner’s Knee and Other Common Running Injuries: Know the Signs

Few things slow you down more than pain and discomfort from runner's knee or other running injuries, and flare-ups can…

Don’t Let Runner’s Knee Interfere With Fall Running Season

The cool, crisp climate of autumn in Victoria marks the start of another running season, including local running events and…

Runner’s Knee

‘Runner’s Knee’ is the nickname given to the condition Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS). It is a common issue amongst runners,…

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome a.k.a Runner’s Knee

Runner's knee or patellofemoral pain syndrome is a common biomechanical problem that can affect anyone who is involved in activities…