Massage Therapy

Choosing a Running Group

With so many approaches to running and fitness, you want to be sure that you find just the right group:…

Foam Rolling At Home

Foam rolling is a self massage technique used to help release tight muscles and trigger points. Using a foam roller…

Natural Stress Relief

Nearly one in three people view their lives moderately to severely stressful, and more than 50% feel that stress has…

Headache Treatments That Don’t Include Medication

Millions of Canadians suffer from headaches ranging from mild to debilitating.  But, what if you don't want to reach for…

Is Your Workspace Causing You Harm?

Sitting in front of a computer monitor or laptop for long periods of time is associated with numerous health problems,…

What Causes Sore Muscles?

Mild muscle injuries create microscopic damage/tears to the muscle fibers,  and scientists believe this damage, coupled with the inflammation that…

10 Simple Ways to De-Stress Your Life

Here’s our top ten list to help you simplify & de-stress your life! 1.  Create a “public” calendar. Whether you…

Early Intervention

Early intervention is critical to a speedy recovery. Research has proven that people who seek therapy early after an injury…

The Truth About Relaxing

When you are under stress, your body reacts as if it is under attack. This is called the fight-or-flight response. …

Benefits of Massage Therapy

Experts estimate that upwards of eighty percent of disease is stress related; and nothing ages us faster, internally and externally,…