Physiotherapy for Pelvic Organ Prolapse

What Is Pelvic Organ Prolapse?

Pelvic organ prolapse is a functional problem that occurs when the pelvic floor muscles and tissues are weakened and no longer support the pelvic organs as optimally as they should. The pelvic floor organs can drop into the vagina, causing an annoying sensation of fullness in the vagina or a protrusion at the vaginal opening. 

There are various types of pelvic organ prolapse, but the most common types include:

  • Cystocele: bladder bulging into vagina
  • Rectocele: rectum bulging into vagina
  • Uterine: uterus bulging into vagina

What Causes It?

Pelvic organ prolapse can result from straining during childbirth, straining with persistent constipation, obesity, or a persistent cough. The likelihood of getting a pelvic organ prolapse increases with age and is commonly seen in women who have given birth. 

What Are the Symptoms?

The most common symptoms of prolapse are sensations of fullness in the vagina or protrusions at the vaginal opening, but a person experiencing prolapse may also notice difficulty urinating or changes in bowel movements. Pelvic organ prolapse does not often cause any pain but the protruding organ may cause pressure at the perineum, the region between the pubic bone and the tail bone. The symptoms can be aggravated with standing or when doing movements that increase the intraabdominal pressure, and can be relieved with lying down.

How Can Physiotherapy Help?

Evidence shows that pelvic floor muscle training can help to improve prolapse symptoms. Our physiotherapist, Jennifer Mildon, can guide you through an exercise program tailored specifically to you that can help to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Jen can also provide you with strategies or lifestyle modifications that can help to prevent further aggravation of your symptoms so that you can get back to feeling confident with functional movements. 

What Can Be Done to Prevent It?

Maintain a healthy weight, avoid straining with bowel movements, and exercise your pelvic floor to help your muscles stay strong!

For Prolapse Treatment in Victoria, B.C.

Contact Diversified Health Clinic today to book an appointment with Jen, and to learn more about the Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy treatments we offer.