Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression Therapy Explained

If you have been struggling with chronic back, neck or sciatic pain, you do not have to live with the…

Treat Chronic Back Pain with Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression provides relief to back and neck pain sufferers by gently reducing the pressure within spinal discs; this involves…

6 Tips To Prevent Chronic Back Pain

A healthy back is straight, moves easily and is free of pain.  The most common area for chronic back pain…

Physiotherapy technology treatment options: an overview

Innovations in technology are giving health practitioners a new set of tools to treat musculoskeletal ailments. New equipment has enabled…

Degenerative Disc Disease | Rehab Victoria BC

Degenerative disc disease is one of the most common causes of low back pain. The lumbar disc is a well-designed…

Find Relief from a Herniated Disc with A Natural Health Practitioner

Your spine is made up of vertebrae and discs, so finding relief from a herniated disc with a natural health…

Our Health Clinic Answers the Question, What is Chronic Back Injury?

A healthy back is straight and strong, moves easily and is free of pain. When there is pain in any…

Is Spinal Decompression Right For Me? | chiropractor victoria bc

If you are asking the question, is spinal decompression right for me? | chiropractor victoria bc; there is a good…

Victoria clinic has the answer to Sciatica Pain

Sciatica is a pain that shoots along the sciatic nerve, radiating through the buttocks and down the back of the…