Health Information

What is Tennis Elbow? What Causes It?

Tennis elbow is an overuse and muscle strain injury caused by the repeated contraction of the forearm muscles that you use…

Could Your Foot Pain Be Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition located along the bottom of the foot, predominantly in the arch area. It is…

Summer Sun Protection 101: Choosing The Right SPF

It’s summer time and with the longer days and much-anticipated sunshine comes the need for protecting your skin from sun…

IT Band Syndrome

Iliotibial Band Syndrome is one of the most common overuse injuries for runners. The IT band is a ligament that…

Runner’s Knee

‘Runner’s Knee’ is the nickname given to the condition Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS). It is a common issue amongst runners,…

What Are Your Priorities?

“All I want is more hours in a day.” How many times have you thought that yourself or heard it…

Seasonal Affective Disorder

What is SAD? While those of us on Vancouver Island have been enjoying a recent spell of Autumn sunshine and…

World Spine Day

Monday, October 16th is World Spine Day A healthy spine is something that most of us don’t even think about.…

The Myth of Multi-Tasking

Multi-tasking is the often over-used term for the supposed secret to being your most productive. Whether at work, home or…

Improving Your Golf Swing: The Basics

Many golfers find the toughest thing about golf is maintaining and perfecting a consistent swing.  Below are a few key…