Exercise Library: Dead Bugs

The dead bug exercise can easily be performed at home and is a safe and effective way to strengthen and stabilize core, spine, and back muscles. It also helps to improve posture, balance, and coordination.

Performing this exercise three times a week will go a long way in improving posture and core strength and can also help to relieve and prevent back pain. Aim to do 3 sets with 10 reps per side for this exercise.

Our in-house Kinesiologist, Angelina Schaaf, demonstrates how to perform the dead bug exercise and gives three different variations to increase the difficulty safely and effectively.

To perform all variations of this exercise, you will need a mat and dumbbells. If you do not have dumbbells then you can use cans of soup or full water bottles.

With Angelina Schaaf, BCAK

Start with your back on the mat, with arms up straight and legs up, but bent at the knee. Keep core engaged and back flat against the mat.

Lower each leg one at a time until straight and almost touching the ground. Remember to keep your core engaged.

Alternate legs.

Increases difficulty by adding arms.

While lowering your leg, also lower the opposite arm. Keep the core engaged.

Alternate sides.

Increases difficulty by adding weight.

Start with legs bent and arms straight upholding dumbbells. Start with a low weight and increase as needed.

Lower leg and opposite arm.

Most difficult variation.

Place hands behind you on a wall with legs up and bent and core engaged.

Lower one leg at a time and alternate.

For more information about this exercise and core and spinal health, or to book an appointment with our Kinesiologist, Angelina, for your own assessment and treatment plan, click here.