How To Increase Your Daily Physical Activity

We all know the benefits of exercise.  Yet many of use still find it difficult to incorporate physical activity into our daily lives. Most of use have good intentions, but do not seem to find the time to exercise.

Not enough time is the number one excuse for remaining inactive.  We believe that five or ten minutes isn’t going to effect anything.

Too tired is the second most common excuse. Sitting at a desk all day will make you feel tired and sluggish.

For any of the other excuses you come up with just remember, they are only that, acknowledge them for what they are and do it anyway. Remember it’s important for your well being to add physical activity into your lifestyle.

Stop thinking exercise and start thinking about fun recreational physical activities that you can do with friends.

What can you do at home?

Modern technology has taken most of the physical activity out of chores. You need to replace the lost physical activity with something else. For instance, when you are watching television, use the commercial breaks to, fold laundry or unload the dishwasher. When working at a your computer remember to take “physical breaks” every 40 minutes, for 5 minutes to tone your muscles with a few easy stretching and strengthening exercises.

What can you do at the office?

Next time you need to talk to a co-worker, why not hand-deliver a message instead of picking up the phone or texting. The simplest way to increase your physical activity at work is to walk during your lunch, and not to use the elevator or stairs.

Bring your runners to work and turn your coffee breaks into a “stress-reduction and revitalization break,”  you can also try biking to work a few days per week.

What can you do with our cars for short trips?

For most of us, it is just force of habit combined with very little time. If you stop to think about this, does an extra 10 minutes really make such a big difference to your schedule? Think of the saving of wear and tear on your car and think of the benefits a quick walk will do.

If you must drive, park in the farthest space in the parking lot, so you will have to walk for an extra few minutes – remember it all adds up!


Walking is the easiest and most popular way to increase your level of physical activity. Try to incorporate walking every day… go window shopping, walk around your neighbourhood, remember if you make it fun, there is a greater chance that you will continue.

The key to success is variety; so change your routes, change your pace, change your stride.

Plan ahead

  • Get organized.
  • Planning helps to overcome the tendency to put off the activity when the time comes to actually “do it”.
  • Remember to place your runner and socks by the front door the night before so they are ready to leave with you to go to work.
  • If your family is going hiking on the week end, make sure that everyone’s out door gear is ready and near the door, also that all supplies including the food is ready to go. This will help you to overcome the “ I’m so comfortable and cozy let’s go next weekend” scenario.

Make this month, the month you make a commitment to increase your physical activity on a daily basis. You will soon find out that it is much easier than you thought and that the reward of feeling better and having more energy will motivate you to keep “up the pace” and to find more creative ways to fit fitness, into your daily schedule!