Fall in Love With Fitness Again. The Right Personal Trainer Makes It Possible

Whether you’ve taken a long hiatus from your fitness routine or you’re questioning the effectiveness of your current exercise program, there are a few common barriers that may be hindering your results and souring your relationship with fitness. The good news is that the right personal trainer can make a difference. Here’s how:

Common Fitness Barrier #1: You Don’t Know What You’re Doing

Perhaps it’s your first time visiting a gym, or maybe it’s been so long since you’ve picked up weights that you can’t remember what to do and how to do it properly. You know how that saying goes: when you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Winging it at the gym may feel productive, and it’s certainly better than doing nothing, but for your relationship with fitness to really stick, it needs repetition and consistency. But first, you need to familiarize yourself with the exercises you’ll be doing and why you’ll be doing them — you need a plan! Personal training takes the guesswork out of your workouts with a formula for success. 

Common Fitness Barrier #2: Your Workout Routine Is Painful, Boring, or Both!

If your current workouts feel like a slog:

Something needs to change fast before boredom makes you part ways with your gym and question your commitment to fitness. There are several ways to get to your goal without suffering through workouts that make you feel like a hamster on a wheel (hey, hour-long treadmill sessions, I’m talking about you). If you hate what it takes to see results, heading to the gym won’t stand a chance at competing with other, more pleasure-inducing priorities such as Netflix. 

Even worse, pain puts the brakes on activity and progress faster than boredom:

When something hurts, your body screams, “stop!” And often for a good reason. Past or impending injuries, including your general health, should always be assessed before starting a new activity. And, if something hurts, have it checked out by a practitioner before proceeding. One of the key roles a good personal trainer plays in your relationship with fitness is to help you avoid injury by ensuring proper form and addressing any muscle imbalances.

A good personal trainer will also help you know how hard to push and how long to rest, which helps you feel less sore between workouts. While pain means “stop,” muscle soreness is part and parcel of muscle growth, but the right balance of personal training and rest can make delayed onset muscle soreness less severe and more manageable.

Common Fitness Barrier #3: You Stopped Seeing Results

Let’s face it, relationships stick when needs are met, and if your current workout routine is making you feel stuck, it’s time for an intervention. Time, after all, is your most precious commodity, so it makes sense to want to get something out of all the time you invest in the gym and your workouts. 

A good personal trainer and exercise plan takes into account your level of fitness now and what needs to be done to achieve your attainable goals. Personal training is more than jotting down a series of exercises.

The right personal trainer is a skilled strategist that considers:

  • Your current fitness level and abilities
  • Your lifestyle and time constraints
  • Your rest and nutrition
  • Habits and attitudes towards food and activity that sabotage progress
  • Whether your goals are realistically attainable for your physiology
  • What exercises are best suited to your abilities and goals
  • Exercise frequency, duration, and intensity needed to achieve your goals within the time you can allot to fitness
  • How often your exercise plan needs to change to warrant progressive results
  • How to do each exercise safely and effectively, with proper form that takes into account your body’s dynamics, past injuries, and range of motion – slight adjustments can make a world of difference

Ready to Fall in Love With Fitness Again?

It’s easy to put off making changes, but the sooner you do, the closer you’ll be to attaining your goals (and enjoying your workouts). Our Personal Trainer and Kinesiologist, Angelina Schaaf, is here to help. Imagine how great you’ll feel seeing results from a customized workout plan designed specifically for you and your goals. 

Take the next step:

Book a consultation with our personal trainer and kinesiologist, Angelina Schaaf. Call our clinic today at (250) 382-0018 or book your appointment online.