stress-and-acid-refluxLong-term exposure to stress can lead to serious health issues by raising your blood pressure, increasing your risk of having a heart attack, and suppressing your immune system. Ignoring the symptoms of stress can lead to anxiety and depression.

Physical symptoms from prolonged stress can range from headaches, upset stomach, high blood pressure, chest pains, difficulty breathing and trouble sleeping.

Everyone deals with stress differently; the import factor is to find healthy ways  to deal with stress that work for you.

#1 most effective way to deal with stress – RELAX

Deep Breathing | Deliberate and mindful breathing will help your muscles to relax and make you feel less tense.

Massage | Booking even a short 30 minute massage focusing on the muscles in the back of your neck and upper back will help you feel less tense.

Time Out | Stepping away from the situation, even for a few minutes will have a beneficial effect on your mood. Going for a walk around the block can go a long way to decreasing your stress.

Grateful List | Make a mental list of 5 things you are thankful for. This will remove your focus from the stressful situation and will allow you to gain quick perspective of your life.

#2 Take care of your body

Sleep | 7 to 9 hours will help your body recover

Eat healthy | Eat fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains. Don’t fall into bad habits of junk food, and limit your caffeine or high-sugar snack foods.

Exercise | Getting physical activity helps relax your tense muscles and improve your mood.

 Avoid | alcohol, drugs, smoking

# 3 Involve your Health Care Practitioners

Be proactive – don’t wait till you can no longer cope.  Make sure that you talk to your health care practitioner, and work together to find a treatment plan that works for you.

Book a massage –  Clinical studies show that even a single 1 ½ -hour session can significantly lower heart rate, cortisol levels and insulin levels-all of which help reduce stress through massage therapy. On-going massage therapy can improve overall physical and mental performance.

Book an acupuncture session – The body secretes hormones into the bloodstream as a reaction to stress.  Acupuncture can block the chronic, stress-induced elevations of these hormones leaving you with a sense of calm & relaxation.

Book a Chiropractic session – One of the effects of chronic stress is prolonged muscle tension. This muscle tension can leads to a misalignment of the spine and the other joints in the body. These misalignments can cause common conditions such as; back pain, neck pain, and headaches. Chiropractic adjustments reduce nerve irritation, improve circulation, and release muscle tension.

Book a Physiotherapy session – can assist decease stress levels through manual therapy. Manual therapy involves manipulation of muscles and tissues in the body. This technique is used to reduce muscle tension, improve circulation, and carry fresh oxygen to tissues in the body.

How to Properly Size Your BikeIn order to enjoy cycling without injury; the choice of bike, proper frame size, and adjustments of the handlebar, seat and pedals can play a huge part; so size does matter when choosing a bike.

Here’s how to tell if the bike is truly right for you, and specific points on how you can fine tune the seat and handlebars to make it perfectly comfortable for you.

Frame Size:

The first step is getting the right size bike, so stand over the frame with both feet flat on the ground. A properly-sized road bike frame will allow an inch or two clearance between the top tube of the frame and your crotch. A mountain bike should aim for twice this distance.

Seat Height:

Your seat height should be set to a height that allows your leg to extend until it is almost completely straight when you are sitting on the seat. There should be only a slight bend to the knee when your foot is on the pedal in the bottom position.  A common mistake is for people to think that they should be able to sit on their seat touch the ground.  For maximum comfort, you want your seat to be level.

Handlebar Position
The goal of handlebar height adjustment is to find the position where you can ride comfortably without putting strain on your back, shoulders or wrists

Your handlebars should be at least as high as your seat, or even above it, so you can ride upright. If your handlebars are lower than your seat you’ll be pushed into your handlebars, and you’ll place more stress on your wrists, arms, neck, and back.

Making sure your bike fits is of utmost importance to cycling injury free.

What is the Difference Between a Headache and a Migraine?Tension headaches and migraines are both considered types of headaches; with tension headaches being the most common.

The most frequent reason for a tension head ache is muscle tension and is generally associated  with postural problems. Tension headaches tend to be caused by stress, exhaustion, noise and eye strain. Tension headaches are frequently linked to disk problems or degenrative bone disease within the neck or spinal column.

A migraine headache or vascular headache is known by a throbbing or pulsating pain.  Migraine headaches are often incapacitating and are associated with nausea or vomiting, disrupted sleep, pain in the neck and head area, sensitivity to light, sound and certain odors. Certain foods, like aged cheese and red wine, can trigger headaches and migraines, so take a look at what you are eating.  An easy way to track potential trigger foods is to start a food journal.

Your headache may be a migraine if you have a combination of these symptoms:

  • Moderate to severe pain
  • Sensitivity to light, noise or odors
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sensations of being very warm or cold
  • Fatigue or Dizziness
  • flashing dots or lights

If you think your  headache might be a migraine, please see a health care practitioner for your treatment options. You want to make sure that you have your neck and upper and lower back checked by your health care practitioner to rule out any structural causes caused by tightened muscles in the the neck and back regions.

Sometimes headaches can signal a more serious problem. You should talk to your health care practitioner about your headaches if…

  • You have several headaches per month
  • You have nausea, vomiting, vision, or suffer from numbness or tingling
  • You have a severe headache with a stiff neck or pain around the eye or ear
  • You have a headache with confusion, loss of alertness or loss of speech
  • You have a headache after a blow to the head
  • You used to be headache-free, but now experience frequent headaches

 “Although the exact cause of migraine headaches isn’t completely understood, medical researchers believe that migraine headaches are caused by altered blood flow and abnormal levels of naturally produced substances in the brain. When blood flow is decreased, certain arteries dilate and cause pain producing chemicals to be released. Additionally, the dilation causes an increase in the natural substance levels. This makes the blood vessels lining the brain swell and creates pressure on nearby nerves.  These nerves send pain signals to the body that are typically felt around the eye or temple region and can extend to the face, sinus, jaw, or neck.

A health care practitioner can determine if your headache is a migraine, and can prescribe the best treatment option – Chiropractic, Acupuncture or Physiotherapy for your unique symptoms.

Painful Feet - Find Out Why?Our feet are subject to “abuse” on a daily basis.  Foot pain can be due to ill-fitting footwear, injuries such as a sprain caused by a stretched or torn ligament, or a stress fractures of bones in the foot, which can result from accidents or overuse while engaging in sports or exercise.

The obvious symptoms of foot trouble is pain.  If you are limping, or avoiding placing weight on your heel or toes you need to find out why.  Feet are extremely complex structures composed of bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, nerves, blood vessels, and skin.  Even without pain, foot dysfunction can cause your entire body to overcompensate, which can lead to back and hip pain.

The problem with foot pain is that it can force you to modify the way you walk which creates significant stress on the joints of your legs, hips, and lower spine.  A common foot problem is Pronation.  If you pronate; some of the bones of the foot drop to a less stable position because the foot arch is too weak to keep them in proper alignment.  The arches themselves may be unnaturally stretched which places stress on the entire foot – this is known as “flat feet”.

Another common problem — one that is often found along with pronation — is Plantar Fascitis.   Plantar Fascitis is a stress irritation of the sheath of elastic tissues running nearly the entire length of the foot.  If not treated, both conditions can lead to progressive development of foot malfunction and discomfort.

Chiropractic and Physiotherapy can help overcome foot and ankle problems.  The practitioners can use a number of diagnostic tests and treatments, including examining your gait and foot function.  They will palpate your feet and ankles to measure any limitations in range of motion to identify what is causing your pain, and determine the best course of treatment.

These treatments can consist of Shockwave Therapy, Class IV-Laser,  eToims treatment, or orthotics. Our health care practitioners can provide lifestyle counseling/exercsies that can help reduce biological and psychological stresses on your body as a whole.

Hamstrings are a group of three muscles at the back of the leg behind the thigh and have a lot to do with how flexible we are.  The hamstrings are involved in many of our daily activities, such as walking and running; so having tight hamstrings can put you at risk for back pain and injury.  Poor posture and a sedentary lifestyle are the main causes of tight hamstrings.

The first question is how do you know if your hamstrings are tight?

The “sit and reach” test measures lower back and hamstring flexibility.

Hamstrings Injuries | doctors victoria bcRemove your shoes and sit on the floor, legs extended in front of the body, toes pointing up and feet slightly apart, with the soles of the feet against the base of the step (if there is no step, any flat surface will work). Place the ruler on the ground between your legs or on the top of the step. Place one hand on top of the other, then reach slowly forward. At the point of your greatest reach, hold for a few seconds, and measure how far you have reached.

Adult Men – results in centimeters (cm)

  • Above 34 = Excellent
  • 28 to 34 = Above average
  • 23 to 27 = Average
  • 16 to 22 = Below average
  • Below 16 = Poor

Adult Women – results in centimeters (cm)

  • Above 37 = Excellent
  • 33 to 36 = Above average
  • 29 to 32 = Average
  • 23 to 28 = Below average
  • Below 23 = Poor

Here are two simple exercises you can do at home to help stretch your hamstrings. Remember to hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds and complete 3 repetitions of each stretch.

Stretching: Lying down

Hamstrings Injuries | doctors victoria bcLay flat on your back; bring up one leg at a time & hold onto the back of your thigh with one hand & the back of your calf with the other while using your hands to pull the leg towards you, keeping the knee bent. You will feel a strong stretch at the back of the middle of your thigh.  If you can’t reach your leg use a towel around your legs to pull your leg towards you.

Stretching: Seated

Hamstrings Injuries | doctors victoria bcSit on the edge of a chair with one leg bent and the other out in front of you. Lean forward keeping your back straight and your head up until you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh.

There are numerous exercises and stretches that will help increase your flexibility/strength and will help you avoid injuries.  Make an appointment with our healthcare practitioners and talk to them about appropriate stretches/exercises that are tailored specifically for you and your fitness level. The practitioners can assess any previous injuries or restrictions that you might be working with and set up an exercise plan that will work for you.

6 Tips To Prevent Chronic Back PainA healthy back is straight, moves easily and is free of pain.  The most common area for chronic back pain is the lower back; also called the lumbar spine.

Back pain is defined as either acute or chronic. Practitioners diagnose low back pain as acute if it lasts less than a month and is not caused by serious medical conditions. If the pain persists, it is considered chronic back pain. Almost 20 million (2 in 3) Canadians will have at least one episode of back pain in their lifetime.

Warning Signs of Chronic Back Pain?

  • If the pain lasts longer than month.
  • The pain can be anywhere in the back. It can be in one area only or spread across a wide area.
  • Your back might be stiff and the muscles swollen. This combination of pain, stiffness and swelling is called inflammation.
  • Some injuries will cause muscles spasms in the back, and pain or weakness in a leg.

Back pain can develop anywhere from the neck to the lower spine. The pain can be localized or spread across a wide area and radiate from a central point. Muscle spasms may occur at the site of the pain. Some people also get pain or weakness in a leg as a result of back injury.

What causes Chronic Back Pain?

  • Poor posture is the most common cause of back pain.
  • Injury due to lifting heavy objects is also a frequent cause of back pain.
  • Being overweight and not exercising enough can increase your risk of back injury.
  • If your back is weak you can get back pain when you get upset or feel stressed.
  • Some types of arthritis can cause chronic back pain.

How to prevent Chronic Back Pain

  • When you lift a heavy item keep it as close to your body as possible. Keep your back straight and use your legs to do the lifting.
  • Use helpful devices such as a cart to carry your grocery bags.
  • Maintain a healthy weight to avoid putting extra stress on your joints.
  • Be aware of your posture
  • Wear shoes that support your feet; this will help keep your back and legs straight.
  • Sleep on a firm mattress and support your neck properly with pillows.

Disciplines that treat Chronic Back Pain – Acupuncture | Chiropractic | Massage | Physiotherapy

Treatments for Chronic Back Pain – eToims | Laser | Spinal Decompression | Shockwave Therapy

sciatic-nerveSciatica and associated nerve pain is caused by different types of pressure on or damage to the sciatic nerve in the lower back or buttocks – the sciatic nerve connects nearly the whole of the skin of the leg, the muscles of the back of the thigh, and those of the leg and foot to provide feeling and movement, so any pressure on this nerve can cause considerable, debilitating pain.

Pain from sciatica can change: it can be shooting/burning/sharp, non-stop, or intermittent. Pain is usually only felt on one side of the body. Some people complain of intense and acute pain. Others experience a numb and weak feeling in their leg. Sneezing, coughing, straining, bending, or lifting can make it worse.

What can causes sciatica?

Something as simple as bad posture, muscle strain or spasm, being overweight, or sleeping on a mattress that is too soft can put pressure on or damage the sciatic nerve.

A herniated disc, know by most of us as a “slipped disc”, is an even more serious, chronic condition where tremendous pressure on the sciatic nerve by one of the spinal discs that serves as cushioning between the vertebrae. The disc doesn’t slip – instead it ruptures, and the gel that makes up the disc intrudes on the spinal nerve or sciatic nerve. The result is severe pain and even loss of mobility.

Often hereditary, this condition can result in months of lost productivity while the disc heals and inflammation subsides. Unfortunately, ruptured discs are prone to do the same thing again, but with a careful rehabilitation plan including exercise, weight loss and other treatments and practices, it is possible to help prevent this condition from becoming chronic and debilitating.

How to treat sciatica and nerve pain

Often, lifestyle changes such as losing weight are the most common method for dealing with sciatica and nerve pain.

Sciatica and nerve pain can be treated with a combination of treatments, including:

  • Decompression Table
  • eToims
  • massage
  • physiotherapy
  • Class IV K-Laser Therapy

Topical ointments such as Traumeel and nutritional supplements can also help with inflammation.

What is Myofacial Pain Syndrome?Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain disorder.  With myofascial pain syndrome, the pain affects the connective tissue (fascia) of a muscle or group of muscles. With myofascial pain, there are areas called trigger points. A Trigger Point is a hyper-irritable spot within a taut band of skeletal muscle or muscle fascia which is painful on compression. These trigger points can refer pain to other areas and often restrict the flexibility of the affected muscle.  If left untreated, they can create new trigger points.

What are the symptoms?

The main symptom of myofascial pain syndrome is ongoing muscle pain, in areas such as the low back, neck, hips, and shoulders. You might feel the pain or the pain may get worse when you press on a trigger point. Symptoms of myofascial pain may include:

  • A muscle that is sensitive or tender when touched
  • Muscle pain that happens when pressure is placed on a trigger point
  • Pain that is aching, burning, stinging, or stabbing
  • Reduced range of motion in the affected area

People with myofascial pain syndrome often have other health problems, such as tension headaches, depression, sleep problems, and suffer from fatigue.

New Ways to Treat Myofacial Pain: 

eToims ~ Electrical Twitch Obtaining Intra-Muscular Stimulation (eToims) is aimed at alleviating pain and dysfunction caused by muscle and nerve injury.  It involves the use of an electric current to produce a twitch in the muscle that is strong enough to stimulate or excite the deep fibers of a muscle.  Basically “jump starting” the muscles to release, relax, and allow blood to follow to the muscles and nerve so that they can “breathe”.

Class IV K-Laser ~ Laser Therapy or “photobiomodulation”, is the use of specific wavelengths of light (red and near-infrared) to create therapeutic effects. During each painless treatment laser energy increases circulation, drawing water, oxygen and nutrients to the damaged area.  This creates an optimal healing environment that reduces inflammation, swelling muscle spasms, stiffness and pain.  As the injured area returns to normal, function is restored and pain is relieved.

IMS ~ Trigger point dry needling, also referred to as intramuscular stimulation (IMS) and/or intramuscular therapy (IMT) is an invasive procedure in which an acupuncture needle is inserted into the skin and muscle. Intramuscular therapy has been very successful for patients with chronic low back pain and sciatica symptoms.

Physiotherapy | Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy involves applying pressure to the trigger points for a sustained period, followed by passive and active stretch and heat where indicated. The goal is to deactivate the trigger points and teach the patient how to prevent and manage recurrences. When these approaches are combined with mobilization and posture retraining techniques provided by a physiotherapist they provide a long-lasting and patient-managed way to reduce pain and improve function.

Myofascial pain often goes away with appropriate treatment and life style changes. Please contact our healthcare practitioners and discuss what treatment is right for you.

Keeping Joints HealthyThe best way to care for your joints is to keep them, your muscles, ligaments, and bones healthy and strong. At Diversified Health our practitioners know the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and by incorporating a few simply tips on joint care, your joints will remain healthy and strong.

Keep an eye on your weight

Keeping your weight within a healthy range is the best thing you can do for your joints. Weight-bearing joints, such as your knees, hips, and back, have to support your body weight.


Exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight, so opt for low impact exercises such as swimming, yoga or bicycling. Eating a healthy balanced diet  will also help to maintain strong bones and muscles.

Another healthy tip is to stand as much as possible. Sitting at a desk all day, can increase joint pain and stiffness.  Change positions frequently, and take frequent breaks at work  – remember to stretch, or go for a short walk around the block or even around the office.  And always take the stairs!

Build muscles

Keep your muscles strong, they support your joints. If you have weak muscles, your joints will suffer, especially those in your knees, which  support your entire body weight. The smooth tissue called cartilage and synovium and a lubricant called synovial fluid cushion the joints so bones do not touch. Increasing age, inactivity and injuries from daily life can place wear and tear on your joints, so weight training exercises help build muscle and keep existing muscle and ligaments strong.

Check your posture

Standing straight protects your joints from your neck to your knees. Good posture also helps guard your hip joints and back muscles.

If your joints hurt, try ice

It helps relieve joint swelling and numbs pain. If you have a sore joint, apply a cold pack wrapped in a towel to the painful area for no more than 20 minutes.

If your joint pain is not going away or if it is getting worse, please contact our health care practitioners. Diversified Health has numerous treatment options including Class IV Laser, Shockwave Therapy, Hands Free Ultrasound and eToims.

Thumb pain & text message injuries are increasing, so if you have experienced numb fingers and aching wrists, there is a good chance that you suffer from repetitive strain injury. Over 38% of the general population suffer from sore wrists and thumbs from texting.

Symptoms include hand, wrist or finger pain and immobility in the joints, nerves and muscles from the fingers to the neck. These are caused by repetitive movements and fatigue resulting from unnatural stresses and strains on the body.  These are signals to stop texting or using your mobile device.

Thumb Pain & Text Message Injuries are increasing says a Vancouver Island Health Clinic

Text Message Injuries

What can you do to avoid repetitive strain injury from sending too many text messages.

• If texting starts to hurt. Stop. Use the other hand or call instead
• Vary the hand you use
• Vary the digits you use
• Don’t text for more than a few minutes without a break

Besides specific exercises, there are treatment options for repetitive strain injuries such as, Shockwave Therapy, Laser Therapy & eToims. Consult with your health care practitioner to find out which treatment option would be best for you.

Below are some exercise that can help with your texting hand:

• Tap each finger with the thumb of the same hand. Repeat x 3
• Pull your thumb firmly with the other hand. Repeat x 3
• Wrap an elastic band around the tips of fingers and thumb and open your hand against the resistance. Repeat x 5
• Palms down wrap an elastic band around each thumb and force apart. Repeat x 5
• Tap the palm and back of your hand on your thigh as quickly as you can. Repeat x 5
• Massage thumb web, back of forearm and front of forearm. 2 minutes.
• Press and rub in a circular motion the painful nodules in those muscles. 30 seconds for each nodule.

If you are still having issues with thumb pain & text message injuries, stop texting completely and make an appointment with a physiotherapist or a health care practitioner.