Joint health is a concern for more than 1 in 5 adults.

At Diversified Health our practitioners know the benefits of a healthy lifestyle combined with the correct nutritional supplements.

ChondroCare is a comprehensive formula designed to provide broad support for healthy joint function by featuring premium quality glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, and methylsulfonyl methane (MSM) in addition to other nutrients that support healthy connective tissue.

Some of the benefits are:

Provides MSM, a natural compound that has been used to support joint health.

Protects against free radical damage to joint tissue by supplying antioxidant support

Features glucosamine and chondtroitin sulfates, which are buildings blocks for healthy cartilage

Please ask your practitioner if ChondroCare is right for you.

Chiropractor Victoria, BCIt’s strange how what seems to be “new” or “advanced”, can sometimes really be old fashioned…and what used to be considered “old”, or “folksy” can really be more advanced. Here’s what we’re taking about.

For the last hundred years or so, health care was pretty much controlled by the established institutions. The public had been conditioned to take whatever “medicine” they had been dishing out to us. It could be in the form of drugs, surgery, or other types of health care that are now commonly referred to as “Western Medicine”. Or, in some people’s minds, were considered “new” and “advanced”.

We’ve discovered that much of what was considered “modern” as recently as a few years ago, is now looked at as old school. And, what was considered “primitive”, is now considered high tech, and very advanced! For example, certain types of surgery that used to be considered “advanced” are now looked at as being too harsh and old school. While non-invasive techniques that have been used for decades to successfully treat those same conditions are now seen as the “advanced”, more humane methods.

What we’ve come to understand is that the REAL solutions for health care are to use the methods that are the most advanced, efficient, easiest to administer, lowest cost…and come with the highest probability of success. And…we want these methods to be the least invasive, the least risky, with the lowest probability of unwanted side effects. Finally, as a society, people just want to get better, and stay healthy, without any bias over what kind of doctor delivers the care, or whether or not the “establishment” approves of those methods.

It seems that the “establishment” isn’t totally in charge any more. We believe that YOU are finally in charge, and have demanded that our health care be what works best…instead of based on certain institutions’ biases. We’ve finally reached the point in time where mostly everyone agrees that the right answer is to blend in and use the:

Best and most successful of “Western Medicine” techniques, along side of the best and most successful of what used to be called “Alternative Health Care”! It’s ALL part of mainstream health care for the new millennium!

Now, in this new era of enlightenment, millions of Canadians, in search of pain relief, no longer have to suffer unnecessarily. You no longer have to choose between taking potentially harmful drugs, or going through surgery as your only options. After a century of searching for the right answers, the verdict is finally in; Chiropractic care works. Young and old, rich and poor are seeing doctors of Chiropractic for more than just back pain.

Chiropractors were once thought of as doctors for treatment of only back pain. Now, Canadians are being referred to Doctors of Chiropractic for their auto and work injuries, neck and back pain, headaches, migraines, sports injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, indigestion, allergies, osteoporosis, fatigue, osteoarthritis, nutritional counseling, smoking cessation, weight loss, and more!

As a matter of fact, Chiropractic is now the third largest primary health care profession in the world!

Insurance Companies have come to the realization that reality should dictate how we get taken care of, not prejudices and connections to the “good old boy” network! Many managed care systems have included Chiropractic care reimbursement for their members. By the way, if your insurance company or health plan doesn’t cover chiropractic, we have created a no interest, easy pay, installment plan for you! Call our office, and speak with either Deb or Carmen for details.

Here’s why more and more people are flocking to doctors of Chiropractic, and why it’s considered so advanced and forward thinking…

Health is either directly or indirectly controlled by the nervous system. Interference within this system impairs normal function, causes pain and other discomfort…and lowers resistance to disease! Exercise, eating right, getting plenty of rest, and regular Chiropractic Adjustments are paying off for millions of Canadians!

It took a while, but Chiropractors are finally being received as mainstream health care providers!

Unfortunately, in the past, the public was led to believe that Chiropractic care is ineffective, and a waste of time and money.

Not so long ago, if you were running down the street, and not chasing a bus, but actually EXERCISING, you were perceived as a health freak! Now, millions of us exercise every day. If you were taking vitamins, you used to be considered really “out there”. Now, taking vitamins is as common as brushing your teeth.

Isn’t it great that you have so many health care choices available to you now?

Isn’t it awesome that you can make your decisions based on FACTS, and make your own choices on how you take care of yourself and your family? It’s like being in Florence in the 16th Century. We’re in the age of true enlightenment! We’re living in a Renaissance period of health care delivery! Also, the public is slowly accepting the fact that YOU are responsible for the daily care and feeding of your mind and body. That even though we need to be an integral part of your quest to get better and stay better…you have to do some basic maintenance on yourself to maximize your staying in a state of joyous, serene good health! So, at the risk of sounding parental, we’d like to ask you a few questions:

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  • Are YOU eating plenty of natural foods; fruits, vegetables, and low fat protein?
  • Are YOU cutting down on fast foods and other highly processed “junk”?
  • Are YOU getting adjusted at least on a monthly basis?
  • Are YOU at least trying to quit smoking?
  • Are YOU moderate in your consumption of alcohol?
  • Are YOU exercising at least 3-4 times per week?
  • Are YOU managing your stress well?
  • Are YOU sleeping at least 7-8 hours a night?
  • Are YOU spending quality time each day meditating or simply relaxing?
  • Are YOU always learning?
  • Are YOU taking full responsibility for your life; not blaming others for where you are “at” right now!


Your good health is a combination of many factors.

Emotional and physical issues all tie together. Many emotional stresses lead to headaches, back pain, sickness, and disease.

Anything that causes your body to abnormally react to internal and external challenges, reduces it’s ability to function, and can cause health problems.
That’s what we’re here for! We are your resource of information to help you realize your dreams for a healthier, more productive, and fun life! If you want the best chance to stay pain free, and maintain optimal function for work/play and to enhance your body’s ability to fight off disease…please come in for a check up! We’ll see if your aches and pains are being caused by hidden problems. If being the healthiest you can be is important to you and your family, make sure to contact us.

In her book, The Women’s Migraine Survival Guide, Christina Peterson, M.D., offers some advice on an array of migraine triggers that women (and men too!) with chronic migraines should learn about and avoid. Here are the most common:

Stress -Stress may be a trigger, says Peterson. When you’re under stress, take periodic breaks from difficult activities, alternating tough tasks that require brainpower with other jobs that are more physically oriented. For example, switch from analyzing problems to picking up needed office supplies or to another activity that’s a no-brainer.

Bright Lights – Bright lights and glare can cause migraines in some people. If you’re outside in bright sunlight, always wear a protective hat and sunglasses, or move to a shady area. If the sun is streaming into the room, it may seem nice. But when you’re susceptible to migraines, it’s best to put the blinds down to limit glare. If you can’t or don’t want to do that, and then move to another part of the room or to another room. Or put on your sunglasses or slap a ball cap on your head! (Yes, even though you’re indoors.)

Odors – Some people are very sensitive to odors, particularly those from heavy perfume or some cleaning items. You may find that strong aromas can trigger a migraine within several hours. If someone at work drenches herself (or himself) in cologne, tell your colleague you’re hypersensitive to aromas. Consider saying that you’re allergic to strong perfume, which is more likely to obtain the reaction you want, less heavy-handedness with the spray bottle.

Cigarette and Cigar Smoke – The odor of cigarette smoke is also a migraine trigger for some people. Fortunately, few workplaces allow smoking, but people do smoke in other locations. If you eat out, always sit in the “non-smoking” section. If there’s a wait to be seated, then wait, or go elsewhere. A few minutes’ inconvenience is worth it if you can avoid an agonizing migraine later on.

Loud Noises – Loud noises can trigger migraines in some people, and if you’re one of them, you may wish to carry earplugs with you to work. (Don’t wear them while you’re driving, of course!) Foods – Foods are a migraine trigger for some people, especially caffeine, chocolate, aged cheese (like Roquefort or Stilton), onions and garlic. Also, stay away from monosodium glutamate (MSG), a common food additive.

NOTE: Some people limit their migraines by using white noise machines at work. These devices make a “SSSSH” sound, and help block out noise chaos. Ongoing white noise will still enable you to hear your boss and other key sounds. If you avoid migraine triggers as best you can, but you still feel a migraine coming on, try icing the pain away. Also, give us a call; we will fit you in for an immediate appointment. Be sure to explain that it’s a migraine attack that’s coming on. Chiropractic adjustments may be able to stop a migraine “dead in its tracks.”

Finally, please remember, if you ever have any questions or concerns about your health, talk to us. Contact us with your, “Here’s what I was wondering about”, type questions, instead of “Guess what I just did”, statements. We’re here to help, and don’t enjoy anything more than participating in your life long good health!