Tag Archive for: Arthritis

The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease, which in most cases is the result of repetitive trauma of the joints, and can affect  many different parts of the body.

Chiropractic treatments can result in the diminishing of pain by improving ease of movement and decreased fluid build up in the joints that often occurs with arthritic conditions. Chiropractic treatments can also include specialized modalities that help with pain, inflammation and mobility.

Modalities that help with osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease:

Ultrasound therapy –  when applied to soft tissues and joints, sound waves can  produce a massaging effect that helps reduce swelling and decrease pain and stiffness.

Neuromechanical therapy – this therapy applies gentle pressure to a specific area of muscle where a patient experiences pain to alleviate that pain and improved mobility.

Class IV K – Laser therapy –  this technique uses a non-heat producing laser or light that penetrates deep into the tissue, reducing inflammation, improving circulation, reducing swelling, muscle spasms, stiffness and pain.

eTomis –  the eToims devise sends very brief but strong electrical pulses to the areas of irritated nerves, to relaxes nerve fibers, thus relieving muscle pain and restoring function, mobility and quality of life.

Graston Technique  – is an instrument-assisted, soft tissue mobilization therapy that safely removes scar tissues and scar tissue adhesions that have occurred as a result of chronic inflammation, injuries, repetitive motion or from old injuries.

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) – TENs therapy helps to stimulate pain-inhibiting chemicals in the human body known as endorphins, and block the nerve fibers that are responsible for pain.

Home therapeutic exercises and stretches –  These activities are to be completed at home to promote strength and endurance.

Nutrition and supplement –  providing diet, nutritional advice and supplements to address inflammation.

Chiropractic treatments can help those who are suffering from arthritis, by reducing pain, stiffness, and restoring the range of motion to joints, improving flexibility and increasing muscle tone and strength.

One in eight Canadians currently suffers from some kind of arthritis, and over the next 20 years, this number is expected to rise to one in four (the result of a less active population, obesity and other factors). For young people –almost 20% of all osteoarthritis patients – the condition develops after an injury or trauma to joints.

One of the major concerns arthritis patients have is the fear that there’s nothing they can do to treat their arthritis. Physiotherapists want patients to know that it doesn’t need to be that way – and that those living with arthritis can get moving for life again.








Live long enough and you can pretty much count on developing arthritis, so an introduction to arthritis | acupuncture victoria bc just makes sense. Joints naturally degenerate over time!

Arthritis (“arth” meaning joint and “itis” meaning inflammation) isn’t a single condition; it actually consists of more than 1oo different conditions.  These can be anything from mild forms of tendonitis, such as tennis elbow and bursitis, to a crippling systemic form such as rheumatoid arthritis.  There are pain syndromes like fibromyalgia and arthritis related disorders such as lupus.

An Introduction to Arthritis | acupuncture victoria bc

An Introduction to Arthritis | acupuncture victoria bc

There are forms of the disease, such as gout that almost nobody connects with arthritis.  The common denominator for all these conditions is joint and musculoskeletal pain which is why they are grouped together as arthritis. Often the pain is a result of inflammation of the joint lining.

Inflammation is involved in may forms of arthritis, it is the body’s natural response to an injury.  The warning signs that inflammation is present is redness, swelling, heat and pain.   When a joint becomes inflamed it may get any or all of the mentioned symptoms.  This can prevent the normal use of the joint and can cause the loss of function of that joint.

Acupuncture has been found to be extremely effective at treating the pain and inflammation associated with all types of arthritis. During the acupuncture treatment, tiny needles will be placed along your legs, arms, shoulders, and perhaps even your little toe!  Acupuncture points to treat Arthritis are located all over the body, not just directly over the affected area.

Now that you have had an introduction to arthritis | acupuncture victoria bc, please contact Victoria Spaurel R.Ac. to find out if acupuncture is right for you!

Bursitis Treatment Victoria – Bursitis is an inflammation of one of the body’s bursae (the fluid-filled sacs that cushion the joints). This painful condition can be caused by a mild injury, repeated use (such as prolonged kneeling on a hard surface), arthritis, or infection. Commonly affected joints are the shoulder, elbow, knee, and hip.

Bursitis treatment Victoria
Photo Credit: arthritis-symptom.com

Bursitis is typically identified by localized pain or swelling. Bursitis occurs when the small sac (bursa) found inside joints becomes inflamed. The fluid-filled sac helps to lubricate and cushion the joint. When it is inflamed, movement can be painful. Usually bursitis occurs in larger joints such as shoulders and hips.

Without seeing your health care provider, you usually can’t tell the difference between bursitis and pain caused by a strain or arthritis.  Often just resting and elevating the joint can help.  Applying ice may help relieve pain and swelling. Once the joint is no longer painful, you can work to strengthen the muscles around the joint and prevent further flare-ups.  Symptoms of bursitis may include swelling, redness, a warm joint area, aching or stiffness in the joint that gets worse with movement.

Chiropractic treatments can help  most people with musculoskeletal disorders such as bursitis. Chiropractic treatments can include,  adjustments or manipulations, modalities such as cold lasers, decompression table, and  joint supplements  such as Glucosamine.

Contact Diversified Health and speak with one of our chiropractors for more information on bursitis treatment Victoria and what options would be right for you.