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Diversified Health Clinic

Diversified Health Clinic

Early intervention is critical to a speedy recovery. Research has proven that people who seek therapy early after an injury have shorter recovery periods.

When you choose Diversified Health Clinic you will find experienced physiotherapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists and massage therapists  who work together to ensure our patients have access to the finest diagnostic tools, treatments and therapies available from each discipline, and work together to ensure optimal care for our patients.

Our Healthcare Practitioners Offer:

  • Results: Proven, one-to-one, evidence-based therapy
  • Coverage Options:  Chiropractic, Physiotherapy and Massage are covered by most insurance, with little to no out-of-pocket fees
  • Efficient Recovery:  We get you back to enjoying a pain free life as quickly as possible
  • Short & Long Term Relief:  We focus on the root cause of your pain, not just symptoms
  • Flexible Scheduling:  Convenient scheduling around work and home obligations
  • Prevention Strategies:  We show you how to keep pain from coming back – on your own
  • Experienced Practitioners:  Licensed practitioners who genuinely care about your health

At the Diversified Health Clinic, we take a team approach towards maintaining your health. Each of our specialists brings their particular set of skills to the partnership giving us the collective ability to treat a wide variety of diseases and conditions from a multitude of perspectives.

Early intervention is especially important if you have suffered an injury at work or have been in a car accident.  Read an interview with Dr. Gustavson where he discusses personal injuries experienced in automobile accidents.

 Whether you are a stay-at-home parent, an active individual or a professional athlete, the benefits of our custom, effective treatments will get you back to being pain free, improve your athletic performance and get you to the next level.

Victoria Health Clinic can diagnsois Tennis Elbow, but first, what is Tennis Elbow.  Tennis elbow is an inflammation, soreness, or pain on the outside of the upper arm near the elbow.  The medical terminology for this condition is lateral epicondylitis.

Tennis elbow is caused when the muscles in your forearm known as tendons (they are attached to the bone on the outside of your elbow) are used repetitively.   Over time small tears develop in the tendon and this can lead to pain where the tendon is attached to the bone. A good example of this is playing tennis or other racquet sports; although any activity that involves repetitive twisting of the wrist can lead to this condition!

tennis elbow, diversified health clinic,

Photo credit: Tennis Elbow racquetsports.org

The symptoms that are associated with tennis elbow are a weak grasp, elbow pain that gradually worsens and a radiating pain from the elbow down to the wrist when grasping or twisting.

Diversified Health’s treatment plan for tennis elbow is a combination of Shockwave therapy, and Graston Instruments .  The practitioner will also assign specific exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscles of your forearm.

Patients can assist in the treatment by avoiding the activity that caused the symptoms for several days; apply ice 2 -3 times a day to help with inflammation, as well as taking an anti-inflammatory such as Traumeel.

Be sure to ask your practitioner about any changes you can make to your work environment, technique or sport’s equipment that you are currently using.

Victoria Health Clinic can diagnosis tennis elbow, and provide treatment so please give us a call at 250-382-0018 to find out more information!