Tag Archive for: Synergy Organics

SO-000-groupAir fresheners deliver a fine mist of “aroma compounds” that remain suspended in the air for an extended period of time, and are sold in many different forms; aerosols, candles, reed diffusers, potpourri, and heat release products (aka Plug-ins).

Air fresheners with synthetic fragrances do not “clean” the air, they work by interfering with your ability to smell, and simply mask the odours. Air fresheners drown out the smell by releasing chemical such as methoxychlor which coat the nasal passages with a film of oil, which interferes with your olfactory nerves. Read more…

Many air fresheners contain hazardous chemicals that don’t show up on the label.  Most mass produced “chemical” air fresheners list one or two ingredients on their products, however, these products can contain upwards of 300 different chemicals and allergens, including  benzene, formaldehyde, styrene, and phthalates. Read more… 

Due to loopholes in the chemical perfume industry, companies are not required to list the ingredients of anything labeled as a “fragrance,” and that’s why most commercial air fresheners have no ingredients listed on their product.

A recent MSN article stated “that being exposed to air freshener chemicals as little as once a week can increase your odds of developing asthma symptoms as much as 71 percent and can contribute to an increased risk of a number of pulmonary diseases”.

A recent study conducted by the Natural Resources Defense Council, found dangerous chemicals known as phthalates in several air freshener products. When an air freshener is sprayed, the phthalates are released into the air where they can be inhaled/absorbed through the skin.  Read more…

If you like air fresheners….. do your homework… there are alternative organic, healthy products.  One Local Company, Synergy Organics is making a difference with a natural product line, that really works!

All of the essential oils in their products are NOP Certified. The National Organic Program develops, implements, and administers national production, handling, and labeling standards for organic agricultural products.  All active ingredients have a Certificate of Analysis, an FDA approved analysis to certify quality and purity, and an MSDS Safety Sheet.

It all starts with essential oils derived from natural sources. Essential oils have been used for centuries; they have antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, deodorizing, and antiseptic properties.

So the next time you purchase an air freshener…..make sure you know what’s in it!