sh_destress_photoHere’s our top ten list to help you simplify & de-stress your life!

1.  Create a “public” calendar. Whether you have a large family or there is just two of you, using a public calendar will let you take a “big-picture” look at a glance.  You will be kept in the loop on items such as, when the strata meeting is, or when to schedule a dental appointment. Being able to visually see what everybody is doing will reduce the chance of frustration or surprise.

2.  Run all the errands during your work week, and don’t save them for your days off. Take back your days off by scheduling your to-do list during the week; before or after work, or during lunch breaks.

3.  Say ‘yes’ less often. Over extending yourself complicates your life, and learning to say no when you don’t want to do something is one of the quickest ways to leading an uncluttered life.

4.  Delete social networking accounts you don’t use, and spend less time online.

5.  Automate your finances by signing up for automatic bill pay and take advantage of technology. Apps and online calendars can help you plan and track your schedule, birthdays, errands, and monthly payments, which will simplify your life and reduce your stress.

6.  Learn to ask for help!  Asking for help is not a sign of weakness.  You can hire someone, ask a friend or delegate it to a family member. You don’t have to do it all by yourself.

7.  Learn to spend more time with people you like/love:  Eliminate the “Debbie Downers” and the toxic relationships that aren’t working for you.

8.  Get more sleep!

9.  Eat more fruits, veggies, and whole foods.

10.  Start waking up a few minutes earlier and plan your day by visualizing your schedule for that day. Getting up 15 – 20 minutes earlier  will allow you to enjoy a cup of coffee, and take a few minutes to yourself.  This routine will get you mentally set for the busy day ahead.

When your body is healthy and strong,  you are able to handle the daily stress in your life.  Another action plan to help you maintain your immune system, is to incorporate sessions of acupuncture and massage throughout the year.

Welcome to our video series hosted by Shadi Flefeil where he discusses stretching and strengthening your body. This time we’re discussing caring for your shoulders & rotator cuffs.

Shadi Fleifel is a member of the Diversified Health Physiotherapy Team. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology at Western University in London Ontario, before going to Perth, Australia to complete his Master’s degree in Physiotherapy in 2008. Please contact us at 250-382-0018.

Walk, Jog or Run?Whether you walk, jog, or run isn’t as important, as getting enough consistent exercise. Factors like your age, weight, fitness level, distance and how long you exercise will determine the health benefits you gain from your workout.

Running is especially good for cardio-respiratory fitness. Running can be hard on the joints over time, so always try to run on grass, or dirt rather than on hard unforgiving surfaces like asphalt and concrete. Keep in mind that during a runners life time over 60% will experience an injury serious enough to keep them from being active and requiring medical attention. The impact of running on your joints can be more than three times your body weight; every step is triple the impact of walking, so find your fitness level, then build up slowly.

Jogging has the same aerobic benefits as running: it conditions the heart, improves muscle tone and strength, relieves stress, and  improves cardiovascular fitness.  Jogging is a great way to tighten the thighs and calves because it is a weight-bearing activity.

Walking is a low-impact activity because one foot is always in contact with the ground.  Walking at least 30 minutes a day is considered a good form of exercise. There are also less likely to be injuries when walking. However, some impact can actually be a good thing. Both  jogging and running are weight-bearing activities, which enhance bone density and helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

The average person walks 115,000 miles in a lifetime which is more than four trips around the earth.

Walking benefits almost everybody, regardless of age so walking is a good place to start.

The Canadian Pediatric Medical Association recommends walking for the following benefits:

  • Strengthens your heart and lungs
  • Reduces obesity and high blood pressure
  • Boosts your metabolic rate and lowers your cholesterol
  • Improves muscle tone
  • Reduces stress and tension
  • Improves circulation

To maximize your health benefit when you walk, jog or run consider these tips:

  • Move at a steady pace and briskly enough to make your heart beat faster.
  • Breathe deeply.
  • Walk with your head up, back straight, abdomen flat.
  • Swing your arms and keep them relaxed
  • Use proper foot motion: land on the heel of your foot and roll forward to push off on the ball of your foot.

Whether it’s walking, jogging or running, staying active will help to control your weight, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol and improve your mental health. Whether you are a walker or runner, you’ll get the most benefit if you aim for thirty to sixty minutes a day.

Physiotherapists, Shadie Fleifel & Nicole Logan demonstrate exercises that can help you properly use your shoulder to minimize over use of the rotator cuff. Exercises can improve strength and flexibility of related muscles and tendons.

For more information, please call Shadie or Nicole at 250-382-0018.


Shadi Fleifel MPT | Rotator Cuff - Part 2Physiotherapists, Shadie Fleifel & Nicole Logan demonstrate shoulder exercises.  Strengthening the muscles that support your shoulder will help keep your shoulder joint stable.

Keeping these muscles strong can relieve shoulder pain and prevent further injury.


For more information, please contact us at 250-382-0018.

Physiotherapists, Shadie Fleifel & Nicole Logan demonstrate exercises that can help you properly use your shoulder to minimize over use of the rotator cuff. Exercises can improve strength and flexibility of related muscles and tendons.



For more information, please contact us at 250-382-0018.

our buildingDiversified Health Clinic is actively recruiting to add an additional Chiropractor to our Team of therapists.

Our multi-disciplinary clinic is located in the heart of downtown Victoria, in the iconic Mosaic Building at 1063 Fort Street.

The successful Chiropractor will be motivated and self-disciplined with a sincere desire to develop an extensive client base, including the local community and in-house patients. We have a growing case load of highly active clientele, ranging from everyday individuals all the way up to high level Athletes.

Your ability to build rapport with patients and your fellow practitioners, combined with the opportunity to work alongside experienced team members, will ensure your success.

Diversified Health Clinic provides all reception services, patient billing, and inclusion in our advertising, marketing, and website.  All practitioner supplies for the room will be provided by the clinic.

Compensation:  competitive, percentage based contract.

Please submit your resume either in person to our offices at 1063 Fort Street or via email to attention to Dawn Steel, Clinic Manager.

Thank you for your interest.

Diversified Health Clinic

Diversified Health Clinic

Early intervention is critical to a speedy recovery. Research has proven that people who seek therapy early after an injury have shorter recovery periods.

When you choose Diversified Health Clinic you will find experienced physiotherapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists and massage therapists  who work together to ensure our patients have access to the finest diagnostic tools, treatments and therapies available from each discipline, and work together to ensure optimal care for our patients.

Our Healthcare Practitioners Offer:

  • Results: Proven, one-to-one, evidence-based therapy
  • Coverage Options:  Chiropractic, Physiotherapy and Massage are covered by most insurance, with little to no out-of-pocket fees
  • Efficient Recovery:  We get you back to enjoying a pain free life as quickly as possible
  • Short & Long Term Relief:  We focus on the root cause of your pain, not just symptoms
  • Flexible Scheduling:  Convenient scheduling around work and home obligations
  • Prevention Strategies:  We show you how to keep pain from coming back – on your own
  • Experienced Practitioners:  Licensed practitioners who genuinely care about your health

At the Diversified Health Clinic, we take a team approach towards maintaining your health. Each of our specialists brings their particular set of skills to the partnership giving us the collective ability to treat a wide variety of diseases and conditions from a multitude of perspectives.

Early intervention is especially important if you have suffered an injury at work or have been in a car accident.  Read an interview with Dr. Gustavson where he discusses personal injuries experienced in automobile accidents.

 Whether you are a stay-at-home parent, an active individual or a professional athlete, the benefits of our custom, effective treatments will get you back to being pain free, improve your athletic performance and get you to the next level.

Recreational Activities For 2014Recreational activities such as golf, tennis, fly fishing and bowling have been around for years; so if you’re ready to try something new, check out these trendy recreational activities.

Geochasing & Orienterring

Geochasing is a high-tech treasure hunt: which is a great outdoor recreational activity for all ages. The object of  geochasing is to locate the hidden caches.  A cache always contains a logsheet for you to log your find, and usually a “gift” item. These items turn the adventure into a true treasure hunt! You never know what the previous visitors left in the cache for you to enjoy. The rule is if you take something, leave something of equal or greater value ,and always place your cache item in a clear, zipped plastic bag to protect it from the elements.

The tool for Geochasing is a GPs or global positioning system.

Orienteering is the sport of navigation with map and compass. The object is to run or walk to a series of points shown on the map, choosing routes that will help you find all the points and get back to the finish in the shortest amount of time. The points on the course are marked with flags and punches, so you can prove you’ve been to each marker.   This activity usually takes place on terrain that is heavily wooded, and difficult enough to suit different levels of competition.

The tools of Orienteering are topographical maps, and a compass.

Lawn Bowling

Lawn Bowling is a low impact game that is good for any age and one of the best parts about Lawn bowling is that anyone can play no matter your skill level. It offers mild exercise, a combination of walking in fresh air, with rhythmic arm and body movements.

Lawn bowls is a recreational sport that is played for the challenge and competition, physical activity, the pleasure of spending time outdoors. Lawn Bowling clubs are one of the best places to meet people, enjoy competition, participate in social events and have fun.

The equipment needed to participate is a set of lawn bowls.


Bird watching is an activity that brings nature to life,  and it is something everyone can do. Birding will get you outdoors and connecting with the environment.

Searching for wild birds in their natural habitat, birding takes you through all types of terrain, from city parks, rural area, woodland, seashores, and mountains. Birding gets you walking, hiking, biking, kayaking, and even mountain climbing.

Getting started in birding is as simple as stepping outside. It requires some basic equipment: a pair of binoculars, two or three different field guides, and a small notebook.


Pickleball is North America’s fastest growing sport. It is a fun combination of badminton, table tennis, paddle tennis, and tennis. The game of pickleball is played much like a ping pong game, with a badminton net placed slightly above ground level and is a hybrid between tennis and badminton.

The game involves the strategies of passing the ball, and quick-volley exchanges at the net, which help develop reflex and coordination skills, as well as quickness and agility. Playing pickleball helps to improve muscular strength and endurance, and increases cardiovascular activity.

Why Stay Active

The British medical journal The Lancet published a new series of studies on the health consequences of physical inactivity. The figures are staggering. “They show physical inactivity is responsible for as much as 10% of the “burden of disease” (years of life lost to mortality or disability) from illnesses as diverse as colon cancer, Type 2 diabetes, and coronary heart”.

The rewards of being physically active are endless,  so  whatever your recreational activity of choice is …. just do it!

Chronic neck pain can be caused by having impaired activation of the deep neck flexor muscles.  Strengthening theses neck muscles can help to prevent neck pain.