Orthotics are biomechanical appliances, that enable feet to be held in a more stable position, therefore reducing stress and strain on the body.

Over 50% of the population have feet that overpronate or underpronate. This means that the foot turns too much or not enough. Overpronation or underpronation can lead to serious injury and pain.  Orthotics can help this by correcting the problem by adjusting the angles in which your feet touch the ground.

Do you Overpronate or Underpronate? | Orthotics Victoria Orthotics can help with such conditions as plantar fascitis, chronic blisters, shinsplints and back pain. Most problems that occur within your body, are likely caused by too much stress on it. Too much stress causes things to break, rip or tear. In this case, orthotics help prevent these injuries by reducing the amount of stress that has caused the problem in the first place.

Orthotics help restore the normal balance and alignment of your body by gently correcting foot abnormalities. They gently reduce problems associated with pressure points, and muscle strain on knees, hips and backs.

What type of orthotics to use depends on what you are trying to accomplish for the foot. For the over-pronator, generally a more rigid type of orthotic is necessary since you are trying to limit the amount of rolling that occurs. Softer types of orthotics are indicated for under-pronators, to fill the arch and provide increased shock absorption.

The important point to remember when considering orthotics is that they should be customized for your feet and made by someone well-trained in foot biomechanics. While there is a lot of science that goes into deciding upon and making an orthotic, there is some art as well and sometimes adjustments are necessary. The final orthotic product should be something you would not think of going on a run without, not an expensive dust collector in the back of your closet.

Diversified Health’s lead Chiropractor, Dr. Krisjan Gustavson has been making orthotics for over 25 years, and would be happy to meet with you to discuss if you are a candidate for custom orthotics.

Natural health practitioner take a close look at foot problems, understanding that your feet are extremely complex structures composed of bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, nerves, blood vessels, and skin. They are subject to injuries and other problems caused by normal wear and tear over years of supporting the weight of your body and making it possible for you to stand, walk, run, and jump.

Natural Health Practitioner take a close look at foot problems

foot problems

The most obvious symptoms of foot trouble are pain and dysfunction (limping, favouring one foot or the other, inability to put weight on the heel and/or the toes). Foot pain can be due to ill-fitting, inappropriate footwear that cramps your feet; injuries that keep you from walking well–or at all; sprains which stretch or tear ligaments (which connect bones); and stress fractures of bones in the foot, which can result from accidents or overuse while engaging in sports or exercise.

Foot pain and dysfunction can force you to modify the way you walk and create significant stresses on the joints of your legs, hips, and lower spine. Your feet are the foundation for your entire body. Even without pain, foot dysfunction can cause your whole body to overcompensate, which can lead to back pain and even headaches.

No one is safe from foot problems. But older or overweight individuals, diabetics, and serious athletes and dancers who place great demands on their feet are more prone to foot disorders than others are.

The most common foot problem though is Pronation. In pronation, some of the bones of the foot drop to a less stable position because the foot arches are too weak to keep them in proper alignment. The arches themselves may be unnaturally stretched (“flat feet”), and stress on the entire foot increases. Another common problem — one that is often found along with pronation — is Plantar Fascitis, a stress irritation of the sheath of elastic tissues running nearly the entire length of the foot. If not treated, either condition can lead to progressive development of foot malfunction and discomfort.

Chiropractic or Physiotherapy can help overcome foot and ankle problems that can cause additional problems in other structures such as in your legs, hips, lower back. The practitioners can use a number of diagnostic tests, including examining your gait and foot function.  They will palpate (move) your feet and ankles to measure any limitations in range of motion to identify what is causing your pain, and determine the best course of treatment.

In addition, your practitioner may use Shockwave therapy, and recommend orthotics to help solve some of your foot problems. When your natural health practitioner take a close look at foot problems they can provide lifestyle counseling that can help reduce biological and psychological stresses on your body as a whole.

The problem with running and walking in 2012…  an evolutionary point of view…by a natural health practitioner

Written by Nick Milton

For those of you who like to run or who have chosen a sport that involves running, it’s getting to that time of year when you’ll be increasing your activity more and more as the ever elusive spring gets closer to arriving.

From working with various athletes over the years I’ve become accustomed to seeing a wide range of problems in the upper and lower extremities.  When it comes to running, either in sport, or as a hobby in itself, it’s important to remember that some precautionary measures are vitally important, after all, we weren’t evolutionary designed to be walking or running on hard surfaces.

Fundamentally our feet and ankles work at their best walking or running on sand, vegetation and earth.  Hundreds of thousands of years ago we were running barefoot whilst hunting to survive, much as some tribes in Africa still do today.  These surfaces have more shock absorbing qualities and allow for the curves of our feet to mould around whatever we are stepping upon.  This in turn, takes the stress off our joints, their articulations and the muscles and ligaments which support them.  The truth is our bodies have not developed any new strategies to cope with all the hard surfaces which are common place these days, so we need to use our common sense to prevent it becoming a problem.  Even simple standing or walking for your job all day can cause problems in the long run.

The Problem with Running & Walking in 2012…an Evolutionary Point of View…by a Natural Health Practitioner

Photo Credit: paherald.sk.ca

Of course, doing an adequate warm up and being diligent about stretching pre and post activity will all help, but there are a few other things you should bear in mind.

As most healthcare practitioners and the more serious runners out there will tell you, it’s vitally important to have high quality and supportive footwear which can absorb some of the energy created whilst you’re pounding the pavement/concrete/tarmac.  If you are really serious about your sport I also highly recommend investing in custom orthotics which allows your individual foot shape to work at its absolute optimum.  The common misconception about orthotics is that they correct bio-mechanical problems when in fact they merely are designed to adapt to your particular foot shape and gait.  These things need to be assessed by a qualified individual who has access to the newest technology.  Orthotics off the shelf will simple not suffice, they are in fact (in my opinion) not likely to help you at all.

If you would like to prolong your activity in running or any other sport it is also extremely important to have your feet, ankles, knees, hips and spine checked for any bio-mechanical dysfunction.  It’s no different from having your teeth checked or taking your car for a tune up.  Please don’t be fooled by thinking that if there is no pain – then everything is fine, this thinking will increase your chances of injury and will prevent you from reaching your full potential.

The nerves which control the lower limb and its various muscles and joints originate from the lower back,and any pressure on them as they exit the spinal cord (which could be caused by something simple like poor posture) or on their course down through your pelvis and legs can cause a wide range of problems.  It’s highly important to insure this is not the case before embarking on prolonged periods of physical activity, as this will improve your co-ordination, proprioception, strength and reduce fatigue.

Did I also mention chiropractors don’t just specialize in backs? We recognize and advocate that it’s definitely a huge part i.e. to release pressure from the nervous system for best communication between brain and body.  Please understand that we also have very thorough training in orthopaedic problems and we spend years learning how to release tension from the joints, muscles and nerves of the extremities as well as the spine.  I promise you’d be surprised by how simple and effective our treatments are for these kinds of problems.

Here at Diversified Health we are well trained and superbly equipped to help you with all your health requirements whether that’s rehabilitation after an injury or prevention of it in the first place.  I certainly know which one I prefer!!