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What Does a Physiotherapist Do? | physiotherapy victoria bc – With more moving parts than any other machine, it is not surprising that our body occasionally feels pain.  There are hundreds of different muscles and joints that can go wrong.  Physiotherapy uses a variety of techniques to help your muscles and joints work to their full potential.  Physiotherapy is used to reduce pain with various methods to make it possible for the patient to lead a normal life again.

Many people first encounter a physiotherapist following orthopedic surgery. An exercise regime and other treatments can greatly assist following a fracture or joint replacement.

People suffering with other musculoskeletal disorders, sports injuries, spinal problems, joint or muscle pain, arthritis, etc. are treated with exercises, mobilizations, manipulation, acupuncture, ultrasound and numerous other modalities.

What Does a Physiotherapist Do? | physiotherapy victoria bc

Diversified Health Clinic - Rehab Gym

Can­adian researchers at the University of Western Ontario published a landmark study showing that physiotherapy combined with medication was just as effective as arthroscopic surgery in treating osteo-­arthritic knees. “Many arthritic joints are helped by work on flexibility and strength,” says study co-author Dr. Robert Litchfield, an orthopedic surgeon and the medical director of the university’s Fowler Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic.

Particularly beneficial for sufferers of lower back pain, physiotherapy is used to release tension and so reduce pain in the back. Various tactics are used such as exercise, traction, massage, acupuncture and spinal decompression – The program of physiotherapy can ease chronic pain by strengthening the muscles that surround painful joints or muscles. Treatment will depend on the source of the problem, using a three-fold approach: weight management (to reduce stress on joints), muscle strengthening (to improve mobility and reduce recurrence) and “re-patterning” of muscles.

One fast-growing area of practice uses physiotherapy techniques to address pelvic floor disorders, which can occur when pelvic muscles tighten, shorten or fall into spasm after pregnancy, childbirth or abdominal surgery. The pelvic floor muscles help support the spine and abdominal organs.

Stretches and strengthening exercises done at home are crucial to treating most problems. It takes time and practice to stretch or retrain muscles that have a long-established bad habit.  For more information on What Does a Physiotherapist Do? | physiotherapy victoria bc – please contact our Physiotherapists and book a consultation.

Our health clinic answers the question, What is Chronic Back Injury?  A healthy back is straight, moves easily and is free of pain. When there is pain in any area of the back for a very long period of time, this is called chronic back injury, or chronic back pain.

The most common area for chronic back injury is the lower back; also called the lumbar spine.

Back pain is usually defined as either acute or chronic. Doctors may diagnose low back pain as acute if it lasts less than a month and is not caused by serious medical conditions. If the pain persists, it is considered chronic back injury, also called chronic back pain. This constitutes only 1% to 5% of back pain cases.

Our Health Clinic Answers the Question, What is Chronic Back Injury?
Chronic Back pain

Herniated discs are also a common source of back pain. Inside each disc is a jelly-like substance and 80% of the disc is water, which makes it very elastic. A disc does not contain any blood and relies on nearby blood vessels to keep it nourished. A herniated disc occurs when the cartilage between the vertebrae tears. As a result the cartilage and its contents will bulge out from between the vertebrae, often putting pressure on the nerves in the area.

How Common is Chronic Back Pain?

  • Almost 20 million (2 in 3) Canadians will have at least one episode of back pain in their lifetime.
  • 600,000 (1 in 50) Canadians will be disabled by it.
  • Chronic back injury occurs in both men and women.
  • It can affect people of any age, but older people are more likely to have chronic back pain.

Back pain is the most prevalent medical disorder in industrialized societies.

What are the Warning Signs of Chronic Back Injury?

  • If you have pain in the back that lasts for longer than a few days but less than a month this is called acute back injury.
  • If the pain lasts longer than month this is called chronic back injury.
  • The pain can be anywhere in the back. It can be in one area only or spread across a wide area.
  • Your back might be stiff and the muscles swollen. This combination of pain, stiffness and swelling is called inflammation.
  • Some injuries will cause muscles spasms in the back, and pain or weakness in a leg.

Back pain can develop anywhere from the neck to the lower spine. The pain can be localized or spread across a wide area and radiate from a central point. Muscle spasms may occur at the site of the pain. Some people also get pain or weakness in a leg as a result of back injury.

What causes Chronic Back Injury?

  • Many times the cause of chronic back injury is not known.
  • Poor posture is the most common cause of back pain.
  • Injury due to lifting heavy objects is also a frequent cause of back pain.
  • Being overweight and not exercising enough can increase your risk of back injury.
  • If your back is weak you can get back pain when you get upset or feel stressed.
  • Some types of arthritis can cause chronic back pain.

How to avoid Chronic Back Injury;

  • Be kind to your body. After doing heavy work, or doing the same task over and over, stop and rest.
  • Use your back, arms and legs in safe ways to avoid putting stress on joints.
  • When you lift a heavy item keep it as close to your body as possible. Keep your back straight and use your legs to do the lifting.
  • Use helpful devices such as a cart to carry your grocery bags.
  • Maintain a healthy weight to avoid putting extra stress on your joints.
  • Be aware of your posture and be sure to stand and sit straight.
  • Wear proper walking shoes that support your feet and help keep your back and legs straight.
  • Sleep on a firm mattress and support your neck properly with pillows. Do not sleep on your stomach as this can strain your neck.

Receiving regular maintenance treatments from your health practitioner is a great preventative measure; so when our health clinic answers the question, What is Chronic Back Injury? You will already know how to avoid this condition.

Yes, Physiotherapy can help to improve balance and prevent falls.

It’s the time of the year in Victoria that brings challenges to those who have balance and mobility issues: there could be ice or snow or puddles on any particular day.  And with the shorter, colder days, many people’s overall fitness declines because they are not able or not motivated to get outside and move around.  All of these elements combine to increase the likelihood of sustaining an injury from a fall.  Of course a physiotherapist can help to treat any of these injuries, but a physiotherapist can also help to prevent falls from happening in the first place!

According to a recent study by Muir et al, over twenty risk factors for falling have been identified, but there are five major factors, with an increased number of these risk factors exponentially increasing the risk of falling:

  1. A history of recent falls
  2. Functional lower extremity strength: the ability to stand up from a seated position in a chair without using the chair arms
  3. An unsteady gait
  4. Impaired balance
  5. Taking four or more prescription medications

rehab clinic victoria bcThe physiotherapists at Diversified Health are trained to assess joint mobility, muscular strength, balance and gait patterns.  Part of their assessment is to identify deficits and come up with a program to improve such key issues as quadriceps and gluteus (thigh and buttock) strength. They will advise you on which specific strength, mobility and balance exercises would be most beneficial for you, and will make suggestions on functional ways to work on these exercises at home or at the gym, with safety being the top priority.

At Diversified Health, some specific exercises you might be shown include wall squats, bridging, or outer hip strengthening.  You might use tools such as balance boards, BOSU balls, the Vibe machine, and various other cardio or weight equipment.

If you are considering using a mobility aid such as a walker or a cane, we can help you decide which one is right for you and how to properly adjust it.   If you would like to stop by the clinic, the practitioners would be happy to give you a free assessment of the fit of your cane or walker.

Our physiotherapists also educate regarding footwear, posture and general activity / exercise, and help you come up with a plan to incorporate all three kinds of physical activity: strength and balance exercises; endurance exercises; and flexibility exercises.

Physiotherapy can help to improve balance and prevent falls | physiotherapy victoria bc, so please call Sandra Hardy at 250-382-0018 and book your free assessment.

Researched and written by Sandra Hardy M.P.T.

Let’s start by explaining what a stress fracture is. A stress fracture is a tiny crack in a bone that usually happens from overuse. Stress fractures are one of the most common injuries in sports but a stress fracture can affect anyone with weak bones or nutritional deficiencies.

The symptoms for a stress fracture are not always easy to diagnosis, and stress fractures can get worse quickly and so please contact your healthcare practitioner if you notice the following symptoms:

  • pain in the foot or leg, spine, and other locations when exercising that goes away when resting
  • pain that starts happening earlier in the activity each time it’s done
  • pain that gets worse with time and can be felt even after rest
  • an area of the affected bone that is painful to touch

At Diversified Health Clinic  you will be asked questions about your medical history, your activity level and other things that might put you at risk for a stress fracture. A physical examine of the affected area, to check for tenderness and looking to see if there’s any redness or swelling.

Stress fractures happen mostly in the lower limbs, like the foot or lower leg, where bones get more pressure from bearing weight. But people also get stress fractures in the upper limbs if they put repetitive strain on the bones such as when playing tennis or golf, or during work such as a carpenter or brick layer.

You are more likely to develop a stress fracture, if you have a a low level of physical fitness, which causes problems with muscle strength. Weak muscles put the bones at greater risk of fractures.  A low intake of calcium and Vitamin D, or flat feet, which may increase the risk of stress fractures of the tibia (the bigger bone in the lower part of the leg)

Treatment for a stress fracture can include:

  • Cold Laser
  • Ice/Heat
  • Physiotherapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Rehab exercises
  • Calcium supplements
  • Anti inflammatory medication

If noticed early and treated correctly, most stress fractures will heal by themselves in a matter of weeks, so a stress fracture treatment plan includes various options and modalities specifically for your injury.