Tag Archive for: Rehabilitation Program

Private Victoria Rehab Gym Helps You Recover From Sports Injuries

Few things are harder for athletes than being stuck on the sidelines due to illness or injury. Prolonged recoveries are especially hard on the psyche and your hard-earned physical conditioning. When sports injuries hold you back from the activities you enjoy, it helps to have a game plan for moving forward and an environment conducive to healing and mobility. Here’s how our private Victoria rehab gym can help you get back in the game. 

Recovery-Centric Environment

Our guided training not only helps you recover from sports injuries but helps prevent new ones while improving your overall performance. 

It can be tempting to continue with your regular training while injured, but you run the risk of directly or indirectly aggravating any pre-existing injuries further. When training with an injury, it’s also common to place undue stress on other areas of your body with movements that can lead to muscle imbalances and mobility issues. This is why physiotherapist and kinesiologist guided training is vital. 

At our Victoria rehab gym, you’ll be working with experienced practitioners that will guide you through exercises, stretches, and treatments specifically tailored to helping your body repair and recover from injury while preventing new ones. 

We’ll guide you through recovery-focused movements designed to increase range of motion, improve mind and muscle connection, and stimulate specific stabilizer muscles that haven’t been firing optimally. For example, recovery for a common MCL strain may include physiotherapist-guided training that focuses on activating and strengthening stabilizer muscles and correcting incorrect movement patterns to treat injury and prevent re-injury. 

Multidisciplinary Experts at Hand

As part of Diversified Health Clinic in downtown Victoria, our Victoria rebab gym is reserved for Diversified patients only. This means you’ll never have to wait in line for equipment, and you’ll receive expert-guided training throughout your workout. You’ll also have direct access to our multidisciplinary practitioners and treatments, including physiotherapy, massage therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture, IMS/Trigger Point Dry Needling, and more. Our patients benefit from our combined approach to helping you heal from sports injuries as quickly and comfortably as possible. 

Learn More About Our Victoria Rehab Gym and Sports Injuries Treatments

Take the first step on your road to recovery by booking an appointment with one of our physiotherapists today at (250) 382-0018 or book an appointment online. We offer direct billing and weekday and weekend appointments. Please view our hours of operation and location details here.

Knee pain is a common complaint that affects people of all ages. A few reasons one may be experiencing knee pain include: a sudden increase in one’s training or activity schedule, the commencement of a new sport or activity, a change in footwear, improper training technique, or muscle imbalances and/or alignment issues.

Understanding what is causing your knee pain is the first step in treating it, and there are many possible causes of mechanical knee pain which include:

patello-femoral syndrome, patellar fracture, bursitis, Ilio-tibial band friction syndrome, patellar or quadriceps tendinopathy, ligament injuries/sprains, Meniscal injuries/tears, Osteoarthritis, Osgood-Schlatter’s disease,  Loose Bodies, etc…

 Knee pain is one of the most common cycling injuries. The most common cause of knee pain in cyclists in ilio-tibial band (IT band) syndrome. The IT band is a thick band of fibrous tissue that runs down the outside of the upper leg from the hip area to the knee. Pain usually results when the IT band becomes too tight and therefore rubs over the bony prominences of the knee. The IT band has direct attachments to the tensor fascia latae (TFL) muscle, which runs down along the outer front of the thigh/hip area and acts to help flex and abduct the hip. This muscle, which is used consistently in cycling, often becomes shortened and/or tight, thereby increasing tension on the IT band and contributing to knee and/or hip pain.

 As injury can often be a problem of overuse, or misuse, it is important to avoid the temptation to do too much (especially if just starting out with a new sport/activity, or commencing a training season). To avoid misuse of muscles, and prevent injury, it is important to ensure appropriate training technique and equipment fit (ie: bike fit).  With cycling, it is important to add in a stretching program for your lower extremities to help maintain a healthy and appropriate muscle length while training.

 In order to determine the cause of one’s knee pain, a comprehensive examination of the knee is completed and the appropriate treatment plan is outlined.

Treatment for knee pain can include:

1)    Electrotherapy such as ultrasound to decrease swelling, pain, speed up cell turn over and thus enhance healing and recovery.

2)    Interferential current may be used to decrease swelling or joint effusion, decrease pain, and speed up recovery.

3)    Heat may be used to decrease pain and increase range of motion

4)    Ice may be used to decrease inflammation and pain

5)    Soft tissue work to improve circulation, break up adhesions, decrease muscle tightness or tension, decrease pain

6)    Joint mobilizations to increase range of motion, decrease stiffness, increase circulation, and decrease pain

7)    Passive stretching to increase muscle length

8)    Taping to improve muscle function or joint alignment and decrease pain

9)    Comprehensive exercise program to correct for muscle imbalances, increase flexibility, improve strength / stability / proprioception.

 Below are a few exercises to help prevent knee injuries:

  1. Glute med strengthening – use theraband or stretchy tubing tied around ankles. In standing with legs straight and core contracted, side step (with straight legs) to left against the resistance of the band around the ankles. Continue for a minimum of 15 steps or until fatigue and then return to the starting point by side stepping to the right as above.
  2. Double leg or single leg squat, either on a BOSU or on the ground with a stability ball against the wall (your back leaning against the stability ball).
  3. Hamstring, Hip flexor stretching, and IT band rolling on foam roller

Remember to follow the PRICE principle if you believe you’ve sustained an acute knee injury, until you’ve been assessed from your health care practitioner.

P – Protect: Avoid anything that could cause further harm/injury or increase pain

R – Rest: Discontinue any and all physical activity as much as possible

I – Ice: Apply ice, 15-20 min max, 3-4 times/day

C – Compression: Wrap the injured area with a tensor bandage etc applying pressure around the area (to help decrease swelling and inflammation)

E – Elevation: Sit or lie with the limb or injured area elevated

Written by Jessica McCartie M.P.T.

Jumpers knee treatment Jumpers knee treatment is just one of many knee injury treatments offered at Diversified Health. Anyone can be a victim of a knee injury; whether you are a professional athlete, a weekend warrior or  just doing your day-to-day activities. The knee joint is unique in that it carries body weight at the same time as it provides flexibility and mobility and this construction predisposes the joint to risk of injury from sudden movement and repeated wear and tear.

What can cause knee injuries:

• Ligament Sprains – Overstretching  ligaments are bands of strong tissue that stabilize the knee joint together.

• Cartilage Tears – Pressure from twisting and turning during weight-bearing exercise

• Tendon Strains – This is an overuse injury commonly caused by repeated jumping or “jumpers knee”

• Footwear –ill fitting footwear can affect the way you walk and can place stress on the muscles and tendons around the knee joint.

• Frequency/intensity of activity – Any change such as jogging or playing tennis on a different surface can affect the knee joint.

Treatments for knee pain:

A health care practitioner at Diversified Health Clinic will assess your knee to determine the source of the problem and to develop an individual treatment program.  Depending upon the type and degree of injury, the program may include practices such as Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Chiropractic and Physiotherapy.

Treatments can include manual adjustments, and modalities such as cold laser, shockwave therapy, ultrasound, graston technique or neuro-mechanical adjusting tool.

Returning to activity:

At Diversified Health Clinic we can provide a program to help prevent re-injury as you return to normal activities, including stretching exercises to regain flexibility around the joint and strength training to build up the muscle in the Rehab Gym.

Another element of the rehabilitation program is to retrain balance and coordination. A knee injury involves more than just stress and strain to the soft tissue. It also affects the tiny receptors in the muscles, ligaments and tendons that ‘tell’ you where your knee is positioned. These receptors send signals to correct balance and shift weight.

Whether you require a jumpers knee treatment or a sprain/strain treatment, Diversified Health Clinic will provide you with numerous options that will include exercise programs that will help you strengthen your muscles and get you back participating in the activities you love.