Purple day logo jpegMarch is Epilepsy Awareness Month in Canada, and Purple Day is celebrated annually on March 26th to increasing awareness about epilepsy and to reduce the stigma around epilepsy.

Purple Day was founded in 2008 by nine-year-old Cassidy Megan of Nova Scotia, and named after the internationally recognized colour for epilepsy, lavender.

Epilepsy is more common than Parkinson’s Disease, and Multiple Sclerosis. Approximately 40,000 people in BC and 300,000 in Canada have epilepsy. About 65 million people worldwide have epilepsy.

Epilepsy is a central nervous system disorder that affects the nerve cell activity in your brain, causing seizures. During seizures, you may experience abnormal behavior, symptoms and sensations, including loss of consciousness.

What is a seizure?

An epileptic seizure is an abnormal burst of electrical activity arising within the brain. There are many different types of seizures. The kind of seizure a person has depends on which part and how much of the brain is affected by the electrical disturbance that produces seizures. A seizure can take many different forms including a blank stare, muscle spasms, uncontrolled movements, altered awareness, odd sensations, or a convulsion.

Epilepsy can be present at any age although its onset is most often in childhood or in the later years of life. Sometimes those who develop seizures during childhood outgrow their seizures. In the elderly, there is an increased incidence due to strokes and aging of the brain.

What should you do when someone is having a seizure?

1. Stay calm
2. Protect the person from injury by cushioning their head, moving objects out of their way, and loosening tight clothing
3. As soon as possible, gently turn the person onto their side
4. Stay with the individual until consciousness is fully regained
5. Be reassuring and comforting afterwards

An ambulance should be called if a seizure lasts for more than five minutes, for a first time seizure – no known history, or if a person is injured, pregnant, or has diabetes.

For more information on how you can get involved on Purple Day; click Join the Campaign.

Please wear purple on March 26, 2015 to promote epilepsy awareness world-wide.

marathon-runners-580x387Whether your just starting out or you’ve been running for years… injuries don’t have to be part of life.   Below are a few of the most common running injuries and how to avoid them.

Runner’s Knee:
Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) or “runner’s knee,” is an irritation of the cartilage on the underside of the patella (kneecap). Runners knee can happen if you suffer from excessive inward foot rolling, (Overpronation ) over-training, and if you have weak quads, hips, or glutes.

The repetitive force of running on pavement, downhill running, or weak hips can put extra stress on the patella. To reduce the risk of patellar tendinitis, strengthen the hamstrings and quads.  Change your running route, and stick to flat terrain, and opt for a softer running surface and shorten the length of time you’re training.  To treat the pain, you can try knee taping,  icing, anti-inflammatory medications, and Physiotherapy to help soothe and strengthen the tendon.

Achilles Tendinitis:
The Achilles tendon connects the two major calf muscles to the back of the heel. Under stress the tendon tightens and becomes irritated. Achilles Tendinitis can occur if you dramatically increase training or wear tight, improper footwear or have weak calves.

To help prevent Achilles Tendinitis always stretch the calf muscles post-workout, and wear supportive shoes.  Stick to flat terrain as climbing hills puts extra stress on tendons. To treat the pain, you can use anti-inflammatories, stretching,  the R.I.C.E strategy (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) and chiropractic and physiotherapy.

Plantar Fasciitis:

Plantar fasciitis are small tears or inflammation of the tendons and ligaments that run from your heel to your toes, Runners with high or very low arches can be vulnerable. Other causes are extreme pronation (foot rolls inward) or supination (foot rolls outward)  and wearing unsupportive footwear. Try wearing runners that have extra support and extra cushion, start wearing custom orthotics and try stretching and rolling a tennis ball over the heel.

Shinsplints refers to medial tibial stress syndrome; shin splints occur when the muscles and tendons covering the shinbone become inflamed, or small tears occur in the muscles around your tibia (shin bone).

Shinsplints can occur by wearing the wrong runners or old runners.  Make sure that your runners are the correct size and shape for your arch and foot and try to run on softer terrain whenever possible.  To treat the pain, you can use anti-inflammatories,  the R.I.C.E strategy (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) and chiropractic and physiotherapy.

IT Band Syndrome:

Your iliotibial (IT) band is a tendon that connects your knee to your hip. IT band syndrome (ITBS) results when this tendon becomes inflamed. IT Band Syndrome can be caused by downhill running, always running on the same side of the road and having weak hips.

To treat the pain, you can use anti-inflammatories,  the R.I.C.E strategy (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) chiropractic, physiotherapy and foam rolling to help reduce pain.​

Ankle sprain:

A sprain occurs when the ankle rolls in or outward, stretching the ligament.  The most common culprits are curbs, potholes, and tree roots.  Aim for several days of rest after a sprain occurs; how long depends on the sprain’s severity, so see  your health care practitioner. You can also try taping the ankle to prevent re-twisting.

Pulled muscles:

When a muscle is overstretched, fibers and tendons can tear and cause a pulled muscle.  Overuse and no warm-up stretches are a few preventable reasons why you would suffer from a pulled muscle. Make sure to include a proper warm-up, cool-down, and dynamic stretching pre-workout to avoid a pulled muscle.

To minimize the aches and pains, consider these tips to help keep you injury free:

Don’t increase the mileage by more than 10 percent each week. Upping your distance unexpectedly is the main reason why overuse injuries occur!

Remember to incorporate warm up and cool down exercises into each run to prepare the body for the activity that’s about to start.

Make sure to use correct running  form/technqie so that your body is smooth and effieicent as you run. Imbalances in your body mechanics  can lead to problems later on.

Keep track of how many kilometers you are running and replace your runners every 400 kilometers.

Avoid running on uneven surfaces that put unnecessary stress on ligaments.

Strength train can increase structural fitness which helps bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles endure all that running.

Make sure to schedule and take at least one rest day off per week and at least one lighter activity day per week.

Having a training plan will keep you on track to meet your goals, and ensure that you build up your workout time gradually enough that you don’t get injured.

headacheMillions of Canadians suffer from headaches ranging from mild to debilitating.  But, what if you don’t want to reach for medication for your symptoms.  The next time you feel a headache coming on, here are some non medical approaches you can consider.


The belief in acupuncture is that all headaches begin when the natural flow of chi is disrupted, and acupuncture can restore this energy flow by releasing  pain-reducing chemicals, such as endorphins.


For temporary relief,  get a neck, back, head, or shoulder massage. Holding tension in your muscles is a common cause of headaches and migraines.


Headache-relieving stretches can help to relieve muscle tension which contributes to pain. Hold each stretch for five seconds, and repeat several times.

  • Range of motion for the neck (chin forward, upward, and toward each shoulder)
  • Shoulder shrugs (shrug up, up and forward, and up and back)
  • Neck isometrics (press palm into forehead and hold; press hand on each side of the head)


The relaxation exercises found in yoga combine physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to boost relaxation and balance the mind, body, and spirit.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil can be either inhaled or applied topically.  Placing one drop of lavender oil to every 236 milliliters of boiling water, and then inhaling the vapors, can help you to relax tense muscles.  Lavender oil can be applied externally without diluting it; such as on a pillow or your temples. Lavender oil can help you relax.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil has shown to be beneficial in relieving tension headaches. Peppermint oil has vaso-constricting and vaso-dilating properties, which can help improve and promote blood flow in the body.


Making changes to your diet and keeping track of those foods that trigger a headache or migraine can be useful for reducing the frequency of your headaches. Certain foods can effect the frequency and severity of headaches, including dairy; chocolate; citrus fruits; red wine, nitrates found in  products such as bacon,and foods containing  monosodium glutamate / MSG.

You can also try:

Apply an ice pack – Try placing it on your forehead, temples or the back of your neck.

Lie quietly in a low-lit room.

Improve your coping skills when it comes to dealing with stress. Chronic stress is one of the leading causes of headaches.

Deep breathing can help you unwind  – lie still while breathing in and out slowly, and be conscious of relaxing various muscle groups, working from your head to your toes.

If you suffer from frequent headaches, please contact your  doctor or health care practitioner.

For those of us that work at a desk job 5 days a week, finding ways to minimize the effects of sitting for long periods of time can seem like just another chore to add to the list of things to complete. But even simple changes can make a big difference to your over all health. Here are a few quick and simple fixes you can add to your daily work routine.

Grab a coffee, walk to pick up your lunch, or go for a quick walk around the office.  Always take the stairs instead of the elevator; if you are rushed for time, take the evelvatore half way and walk the other half.  Any walking is better than not walking!

Stretching At Your Desk:
One of the worst things you can do for your body is to sit still, it’s hard on your bones, muscles and joints. A lot of low back conditions happen from sitting for long periods of time, because the muscles get weak. Stand up and sit down with no hands to burn a few calories, shrug your shoulders to release your neck muscles, or keep a small set of dumbbells or resistance bands under your desk and use them while you’re on the phone. Try sitting on an exercise ball for part of your day instead of a chair, which will help your posture and keep your abdominal muscles tight.

Stay Hydrated:
It’s important to stay hydrated throughout the day, staying hydrated can help keep your energy up,  and reduce headaches.

Stay Accountable:
With the help of technology,  it’s easy to stay on track and hold yourself accountable.  Wearable devices like Fitbit or Jawbone can help you count your steps, let you know how many calories you’ve burned, and can remind you when it’s time to get up and move.

Cruise The Web:

Mental Health Experts are now encouraging workers to crusie the web. Researchers at the National University of Singapore discovered that web browsing rejuvenated exhausted employees and boosted their productivity; it’s like going for a coffee or snack break.

Desk Hygiene:

Multitasking during lunch is very common; with over 60 percent of us eating lunch or snacking at our desks. This habit can be unsanitary, leaving hidden bacteria on desktops which can encourage bacteria to grow.  The desktop should be treated the same way as a kitchen counter-top or table.

There are also steps your employer can take to promote wellness in the workplace:

Encourage Exercise:
Offer discounts or partially subsidize memberships to a local gym or exercise club, or consider bringing in yoga, or tai chi instructors for lunchtime classes.

One of the most innovative trends in workplace wellness has been “the doctor’s office visit”. On-site health clinics give employees the opportunity to schedule office visits for routine care without taking time off work.

Encourage Healthy Snacking:
Offer healthy snack options by replacing sodas with juice, or sparkling water, and stocking snack machines with nuts, dried fruit, and other healthy options.

Every small step or change you incorporate into your daily work routine, makes a difference to your overall physical and mental health.

iStock_000004274272MediumSitting in front of a computer monitor or laptop for long periods of time is associated with numerous health problems, ranging from weight gain, to cardiovascular disease to a shortening of your life expectancy. Other symptoms include fatigue, headaches, arthritis, increase in blood pressure, risk of fractures, and neck and back pain.

Below are some tips that will help you to stay injury free and energetic throughout your work day.

How to Avoid Aches and Pains at Your Desk:

Sit as close as possible to your desk, with your upper arms parallel to your spine and your hands and forearms rested on the work surface. If your arms are not supported, the muscles of your neck and shoulders will try to compensate and you will end up with shorten tight muscles.

Make sure your elbows are at a 90-degree angle, and your legs are bent at the knees at a 90 degree angle. Adjust your chair higher or lower to achieve the 90-degree angles. If you have to lift your feet off the ground because of a chair or a desk that is too high, use a footstool to prop and rest your feet at the 90 degree angle.

Chair depth refers to the length between the back edge and front edge of your chair. To check for proper chair depth, sit all the way back in your chair so that your back is fully supported by the backrest and check the room between the front edge of your chair and your calves by making a fist and bringing it to the edge of the chair and pushing it on the calf. If you can’t fit your fist between the front edge of the chair and your calf, your chair is likely too deep, which will decrease your circulation.

Moving the chair’s backrest forward or inserting a cushion to support your lower back, should solve this problem. Low back support is essential in preventing slouching and reducing back pain.

How to Avoid Typing Pain:

Poor typing posture, either from improper seating arrangements or tight muscles, can lead to sore hands, fingers and carpal tunnel syndrome. Remember to use minimum force when typing on the keyboard, and place the keyboard directly in front of the monitor.

Take each hand, one at a time and place all five finger tips together. Slip a wide rubber band ( the rubber bands that hold the broccoli stalks together in the grocery store are perfect) around all five fingers and draw them apart against the resistance of the band, this will help reduce and strengthen your hand and finger muscles.

Your hands have many muscle, and like with any muscle, deep massage will break up knots, reduce pain and improve function. Try rolling a hard ball into your palm halfway through the day, or see a massage therapist for a hand massage at least twice a month. Hand massages are normally 20 to 30 minutes in length, and are a great lunch time activity.

How to Avoid Shoulder Slumping:

Sitting, typing and focusing on a screen a few inches below and in front of you will create slumped shoulders, unstable shoulder joints, and tight “pecs”.

Naturally our shoulder blades are stable, retracted, and down. This protects our shoulders and allows full mobility. When we slump forward, our shoulder blades drift apart, jeopardizing our shoulder stability.

Try to fully protract your shoulder blades by pushing your arms as far forward as possible which will spread your shoulder blades; then lift your arms up directly over your head. If you can’t do that comfortably, your shoulders are out of place.

Slumping shoulders will pull the rest of your spine out of order, simply because you’ve got the combined weight of your head and upper trunk pulling down. To avoid the slump, make sure when you sit, your buttocks sits far back in the chair, and roll your shoulders one at a time back, and down.

Your monitor or laptop needs to be at eye level or slightly above eye level. This will keep your head in the correct position, above your should with no tilting. Watch your head position, and try to keep the weight of your head directly above its base of support – the neck. Maintain your thoracic spine, by keeping the shoulder blades retracted; which means back and down.

How to Avoid Computer Vision Syndrome:

Eyestrain is an issue that affects anyone who looks at a computer screen all day. It has plenty of short term symptoms like dry eyes, blurred vision, headaches, and more.

Adjust the monitor’s position so that is 50-80 centimeters away from your eyes, with the top of your monitor at eye level. For most of us, that means you will need to raise your monitor by using a riser, or a stack of books.

An work space with too much light can create monitor glare that quickly tires your eyes. Turn off the over-head fluorescent lights and make sure that your light source is never directed behind or in front of your screen. Use indirect lighting such as a floor or desk lamp.

Use the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, find an object about 20 feet away, and stare at it for 20 seconds; this will exercise your eyes and give them a break from your monitor’s screen.

Remember that the best thing you can do for yourself at work is to keep moving throughout the day!

headacheWritten by: Alexandra Sifferlin @acsifferlin

Here’s how to take care of your mind this new year

When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, our self-improvement efforts often focus on getting a better body. And we ignore that other, equally important part of our well being: our mental health.

Certain health hazards come with warnings, like cigarettes or alcohol, but less obvious ones, like loneliness and rejection, can take just as great toll, says psychologist Guy Winch, author of Emotional First Aid: Healing Rejection, Guilt, Failure and Other Everyday Hurts. Research shows social isolation is linked to shorter lifespans, yet we often ignore our emotional hygiene. “If our dental hygiene were as poor as our emotional hygiene, we’d be all gums and no teeth,” says Winch.

This year, prioritize your mind as well as your body, and make a resolution for better mental health. Here are some of Winch’s tips for prioritizing your emotional hygiene in the new year (and all year long).

  1. Pay attention to emotional pain. Psychological pain is much like physical pain—if something hurts for more than a few days, you need to do something about it. If you experience rejection, failure, or have a bad mood that lingers too long, don’t ignore it.
  2. Take action when you feel lonely. Chronic loneliness is devastating to your emotional and physical health because it increases your chances of an early death by 14%. Therefore, when you feel lonely, actions like reaching out to family members, connecting with friends or joining a dating website can help. Make a list of people who you’ve been close to in the past (use your phone book, social media friends, and email contacts) and reach out to one of them each day to chat or to make plans. It will feel scary and risky to take those kinds of steps, but that’s what you need to do to break the cycle of disconnection and end your emotional isolation.
  3. Stop your emotional bleeding. Psychological wounds tend to create vicious cycles that get worse with time. Failure can lead to feelings of helplessness that in turn can make you more likely to fail again in the future. To break the negative cycle of failure, find ways to gain control of the situation. Our minds are not as reliable as we tend to think, so ignore misleading feelings from your gut that tell you to give up, and focus on the aspects within your control, such as your preparation, planning, effort and execution.
  4. Protect your self-esteem. Your self-esteem is like an emotional immune system—it can increase your resilience and protect you from stress and anxiety. Good emotional hygiene involves monitoring your self-esteem and boosting it when it’s low. How? Avoid negative self-talk that damages it further—despite how tempting it might be to indulge these kinds of thoughts at times.
  5. 5. Revive your self-worth after a rejection. It’s very common to be self-critical after you get rejected. It’s an unfortunate reaction, since that’s when your self-esteem is already hurting. You’re most likely to call yourself names, list all your faults and shortcomings and generally kick yourself when you’re already down. The most important thing you can do after getting rejected is to treat yourself with the same compassion you would treat a good friend. Make sure your inner voice is kind, understanding and supportive.
  6. Battle negative thinking. When something upsetting happens, it’s natural to brood over it. But replaying the scene over and over in your mind will not give you much insight or closure. The best way to break a brooding cycle is to distract yourself with a task that requires concentration, like a game on your cell phone, a quick run or a crossword puzzle.
  7. Be informed on the impact of common psychological wounds and how to treat them. You know how to treat a cut or a cold, so you should also know how to treat rejection, failure, loneliness, guilt and other common emotional wounds. By becoming mindful about your psychological health and adopting habits of good emotional hygiene, you will not only heal your psychological injuries when you sustain them, but you will elevate your entire quality of life.