Entries by Carmen Scott

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Natural Health Practitioner Recommends Superfoods that Detoxify

The beginning of the new year is when many of us will start a detox program; but if doing a detox is not your thing, our natural health practitioner recommends superfoods that detoxify and that you can easily add into your daily life. Avocados—lower cholesterol and dilate blood vessels while blocking artery-destroying toxins.  Avocados contain […]

Natural Health Practitioners Get Their OM on!

Starting in February, the natural health practitioners get their OM on at Diversified Health Clinic. They are showcasing the benefits of meditation during weekly evening drop in classes. Meditation is designed to bring our mind to a peaceful state.  If our mind is peaceful, we will be free from worries and mental discomfort and so […]


Victoria Clinic Encourages Exercise to De-Stress

During the busy spring season, keeping up with a fitness program can be a challenge.
One of the best ways to deal with the stress is through physical activity, and one of the easiest ways to accomplish this during all the hustle and bustle is by simply walking. Besides the well documented health benefits, the beauty of walking is you can go at your own pace- and you can do it anywhere.