Tag Archive for: Healthy lifestyle

running-shoes_13602015One of the biggest athletic events in Victoria; the annual GoodLife Fitness Victoria Marathon happens every October.

The marathon weekend features four different races: the Marathon, the Half Marathon, 8K Road Race, and the Thrifty Foods Kids Run. The race weekend also includes a Victoria Marathon Race Expo. The Expo is free and open to the public to view over 40 exhibitors featuring sponsors, souvenirs, merchandise, running apparel and accessories, nutritional and fitness products, samples, interactive displays.

Anyone who participates in an event like this, knows that the biggest task is the training and preparation that goes into the marathon months before. Marathon training is a big commitment, incorporating training that is mental, physical and emotionally demanding.

Below are a few must tips to achieve the goal of running a marathon:

1. Find a training plan that suits your needs, including the amount of time you are willing to spend

2. Train by how your body responds to the training and not a predetermined pace of training

3. Make sure that you cross-train and include activities such as biking, swimming or strength training.

4. Strength training and foam rolling are an important part of the process. Strength training is a key component of distance running in order to ensure good running form, and avoid injury, while foam rolling will allow you to give yourself a deep tissue massage after each training session which will help in your recovery time.

5. Remember to stretch before every run, but make sure that you use stretches with controlled movement to improve range of motion, increase heart rate and loosen up stiff muscles

6. Sleep is important to help your body and muscles repair and keep you healthy. On longer runs help your legs recover during sleep by wearing a compression sleeve or sock

7. Respect the rest days. REST don’t train

8. Mimic the course by finding locations to run that have the same topography as the marathon

9. Run a dress rehearsal. Four or five days before the marathon, complete a four or eight kilometer marathon-paced run in your marathon gear and runners.

10. Believe in yourself!

sugar-addictionSugar addiction is on the rise in Canada and our bodies are not equipped to handle the large quantity and quality of sugar that we currently ingest. Sugars that occur naturally in foods like fruits and vegetables are fine and our bodies are able to process these types of sugars: however, it’s the added sugars such as regular table sugar and high fructose corn syrup that are putting our health at risk.

The World Health Organization has recently announced that it is halving its recommended sugar intake for adults, from the original 10 percent of total daily calories to 5 percent: that’s about 6 teaspoons per day.

With sugars hidden in many food products, is it any wonder that we have become addicted to sugar?

How do you know if you are becoming addicted to sugar….

If you eat refined sugar every day (table sugar, candies, baked goods, sugary drinks)

If you can’t go one day without eating food or drink containing sugar

If you eat something sweet after every meal

If you find it difficult to have sweets in your home and not eat them

If you get fatigued or irritable if you go several hours without eating

If these statements sound like you, you need to become pro-active in curbing your sugar cravings.  Here are some tips you can use the next time you have a sugar craving.

Combine foods – Try dipping a banana in chocolate or combining mix nuts with dried fruit and chocolate chips.

Grab some gum – Research has shown that chewing gum can reduce sugar cravings

Keep fruit handy – Make sure that your fruit is ready to go, such as cut up in a container for when sugar cravings hit

Skip artificial sweeteners – Artificial sweeteners don’t lessen cravings for sugar, they actually increase your cravings because artificial sweeteners are so sweet, that a piece of fruit or naturally sweet foods start to taste less sweet and not as satisfying.

Drink water – Drinking water is essential for good health. If plain water is boring, try infusing your water with cucumber and ginger, for oranges and limes.

Can’t wait –  If you must have “sweet,” go with something that’s naturally sweet, such as dried fruit or 100% fruit juice.

Wait out the craving – If you can wait it out for 10 minutes… the craving will usually pass. One of the best distraction is to go for a 10 minute walk outside in the fresh air.

Acupuncture – Acupuncture has shown to have beneficial effects on cravings by having the body release its own naturally occurring neuro-chemicals into the bloodstream. The needles used in acupuncture are applied at particular points to stimulates blood and energy flow.

As always, “everything in moderation”… Variety and moderation are the key to a healthy lifestyle!

recreational-activities-1Making a decision to begin exercising is the easy part, committing to your program is the hard part; so remember to ask your healthcare practitioner before starting an exercising program.

Often, the biggest challenge is changing your lifestyle. All of us have created bad habits over the years and changing these requires a committed effort to consciously recognize and alter these unhealthy patterns. It takes time to develop new habits, so staying positive and having a forgiving attitude is essential.

Begin by checking with your health care practitioner to ensure that you can safely exercise without restrictions. Then surround yourself with supportive  healthy minded people; having a support system you can rely on is crucial when starting a workout program.  Accountability and motivation are very important to your success, so ask people you know how they’ve set up their active lifestyle.   Remember that your goals need to be realistic and measurable in a way that you will see your progress and keep motivated.

Think about hiring a qualified personal trainer for one or two sessions to learn what to do to reach your fitness goals. Find some activity that works for you whether it’s biking to work, walking, or joining a sports league.  There are so many options and opportunities to be active – we just have to recognize them.

A great way to get active is to join a local charity event such as a fun run or sponsored golf event.  Not only will you be helping people in your community, you will be getting out, getting active, having fun and meeting like minded folks…and who knows, it might even lead to you joining a team or group!

When you make physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle a priority, you will find more energy and enthusiasm for the other areas of your life.

So ask your health practitioner when starting a new exercise program, and keep in mind that there is no right or wrong way to stay active, just get moving!

Welcome to our video series hosted by Shadi Flefeil where he discusses stretching and strengthening your body. This time we’re discussing caring for your shoulders & rotator cuffs.

Shadi Fleifel is a member of the Diversified Health Physiotherapy Team. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology at Western University in London Ontario, before going to Perth, Australia to complete his Master’s degree in Physiotherapy in 2008. Please contact us at 250-382-0018.

Recreational Activities For 2014Recreational activities such as golf, tennis, fly fishing and bowling have been around for years; so if you’re ready to try something new, check out these trendy recreational activities.

Geochasing & Orienterring

Geochasing is a high-tech treasure hunt: which is a great outdoor recreational activity for all ages. The object of  geochasing is to locate the hidden caches.  A cache always contains a logsheet for you to log your find, and usually a “gift” item. These items turn the adventure into a true treasure hunt! You never know what the previous visitors left in the cache for you to enjoy. The rule is if you take something, leave something of equal or greater value ,and always place your cache item in a clear, zipped plastic bag to protect it from the elements.

The tool for Geochasing is a GPs or global positioning system.

Orienteering is the sport of navigation with map and compass. The object is to run or walk to a series of points shown on the map, choosing routes that will help you find all the points and get back to the finish in the shortest amount of time. The points on the course are marked with flags and punches, so you can prove you’ve been to each marker.   This activity usually takes place on terrain that is heavily wooded, and difficult enough to suit different levels of competition.

The tools of Orienteering are topographical maps, and a compass.

Lawn Bowling

Lawn Bowling is a low impact game that is good for any age and one of the best parts about Lawn bowling is that anyone can play no matter your skill level. It offers mild exercise, a combination of walking in fresh air, with rhythmic arm and body movements.

Lawn bowls is a recreational sport that is played for the challenge and competition, physical activity, the pleasure of spending time outdoors. Lawn Bowling clubs are one of the best places to meet people, enjoy competition, participate in social events and have fun.

The equipment needed to participate is a set of lawn bowls.


Bird watching is an activity that brings nature to life,  and it is something everyone can do. Birding will get you outdoors and connecting with the environment.

Searching for wild birds in their natural habitat, birding takes you through all types of terrain, from city parks, rural area, woodland, seashores, and mountains. Birding gets you walking, hiking, biking, kayaking, and even mountain climbing.

Getting started in birding is as simple as stepping outside. It requires some basic equipment: a pair of binoculars, two or three different field guides, and a small notebook.


Pickleball is North America’s fastest growing sport. It is a fun combination of badminton, table tennis, paddle tennis, and tennis. The game of pickleball is played much like a ping pong game, with a badminton net placed slightly above ground level and is a hybrid between tennis and badminton.

The game involves the strategies of passing the ball, and quick-volley exchanges at the net, which help develop reflex and coordination skills, as well as quickness and agility. Playing pickleball helps to improve muscular strength and endurance, and increases cardiovascular activity.

Why Stay Active

The British medical journal The Lancet published a new series of studies on the health consequences of physical inactivity. The figures are staggering. “They show physical inactivity is responsible for as much as 10% of the “burden of disease” (years of life lost to mortality or disability) from illnesses as diverse as colon cancer, Type 2 diabetes, and coronary heart”.

The rewards of being physically active are endless,  so  whatever your recreational activity of choice is …. just do it!

settinggoalsIt is at this time of year more than any other, we start to take stock of our lives and make decision about how to improve ourselves.  Setting goals and following through with them are a great way to make changes in your life. Below are some guidelines on setting goals for the new year.

  • Set goals that can be measured

Specific goals are more effective. An effective goal clearly indicates what you need to do to accomplish the task. This means that you must be able to measure the performance that relates to the specific goal. For example,  I need to spend less time on the computer… should be…I will spend 30 minutes less a day on social media.

  • Set realistic goal.

Goals should not be so big that you experience failure and frustration in trying to reach them.

  • Set short-term as well as long-term goals.

Break down any long-term goals into smaller more attainable goals, this will help to promote success, and keep you motivated.  If your goal is to lose weight, your short term goals might be to start drinking 1 liter of water a day,  incorporate three – 30 minute walks  per week and to go swimming for 40 minutes every Thursday after dinner.

Once a specific goal has been chosen, make sure that it also includes a target date for accomplishing what you set out to achieve.

  • Goals should not be “set in stone.”

Life sometimes gets “in-the-way” of our goal; so your goals may need to be revised in order to achieve them. Don’t feel discouraged if you need to “tweak” your original goal… stay positive.

Many folks use the SMART formula when setting goals:

S – Specific: A specific goal is simple and easy to describe. Stating that you will start an exercise program is not specific. A specific goal is… I will start an evening yoga class two nights a week to improve my flexibility.

M – Measurable: You need to be able to tell if you are achieving your goal.

Be specific about the outcome of each step. “I’ll enroll online this evening and start with a Monday morning class.  I’ll practice at home 3 evenings a week.” That’s measurable!

 A – Achievable: Don’t schedule 4 fitness practices when you know that your job will interfere with your ability to get to the gym. A better goal is to state that you will practice twice a week…. Remember you can always adjust your goals.

 R – Be Realistic: If you haven’t been exercising, and you’ve never done any fitness classes before,  sign up for a beginner class! Signing up for an intensive workout class will sabotage your goals.

 T – Timely: Set a clear time frame to achieve your goal.

Always take time to celebrate your achievements. Reward your hard work along the way as you achieve the small goals, such as booking a massage session to celebrate.

Whatever system you decide to use, remember to stay positive, know that there will be set backs, and surrounding yourself with positive people who will be your cheerleaders!

How Much Alcohol Is Too Much?Drinking too much alcohol increases the risk of health related problems including injuries and liver disease.  As alcohol consumption goes up, so does the risk of cancer of the mouth, esophagus, pharynx, larynx, liver and breast, according to the National Cancer Institute.  When it comes to alcohol and health, less really is more to stay healthy.

Recent studies show that moderate use of alcohol may have a beneficial effect by raising the good cholesterol and blood protein levels, thus lowering the risk of coronary heart disease. In general, for healthy people, one drink per day for women and no more than two drinks per day for men is considered the maximum amount of alcohol consumption to be considered “health safe”.

Always be aware of the alcohol content of your drinks.  A “drink” is considered to be four or five ounces of wine, or twelve ounces of beer, or one and a quarter ounces of distilled liquor, such as vodka, scotch, or rum.

“According to the guidelines developed by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and endorsed by the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, you can minimize your risk by having no more than two drinks a day with a weekly maximum of nine drinks for women or fourteen for men.”

Alcohol consumption tips:

Before taking your first sip, make sure that you have eaten, and that you are not drinking on an empty stomach.  A healthy meal before you go out, and snacks between drinks can help to slow down the absorption of alcohol and will reduce high alcohol levels and the sensation of intoxication.

If you decide to drink more than the recommended amount, try sipping water or a non-alcoholic beverage, which will keep you hydrated, give your liver a chance to process the alcohol and will ensure that you drink less alcohol. With moderate drinking, the liver can process alcohol fairly safely, however, heavy drinking overtaxes the liver resulting in serious consequences.

Whether you abstain from alcohol , or sip your glass of wine with dinner, be aware of the risk and benefits alcohol has on your health.

almondsWritten By Jennifer Dages

Most almonds and hazelnuts in the USA are now irradiated. Irradiation is the use of radiation to help preserve foods and kill off bacteria. This has been standard practice since 2007 when the FDA decided that all raw almonds grown in the USA must be pasteurized before sale.

The reasoning behind this decision was 2 outbreaks of salmonella that were traced back to almonds (2001 and 2004).   The outbreaks were very mild and the almonds  turned out to be grown by conventional farmers, not organic farmers.

But nonetheless all almonds were to be irradiated rather than practices change to prevent the repeat of a problem.

So what is wrong with pasteurizing almonds?

If you are a raw milk drinker and supporter then you already know the answer to this question.  Pasteurization and heat destroy important enzymes and vitamins.

There are 4 main types of pasteurizing almonds:

  • steam processing
  • high heat treatment (roasting)
  • blanching
  • highly toxic fumigation treatment with propylene oxide (PPO)

Two are the primary methods used, which are steam processing, and PPO fumigation.

Steam processing is the method used for pasteurizing organic almonds and they are heated to a temperature of 200 degrees with steam.  Not only are the enzymes and vitamins destroyed but so are the  bonds of the fats and the fat then oxidizes and  becomes a source of free radicals.

Recent scientific studies show that heating almonds creates potentially harmful levels of acrylamide, a dangerous byproduct of the amino acid asparagine. Acrylamide is a chemical known to cause cancer, or reproductive toxicity (such as birth defects and other reproductive harm).

If your almonds are pasteurized with propylene oxide fumigation(PPO) there is much more to be concerned about.   PPO is a verified carcinogen that is highly flammable, with fumes that are  hazardous to a human being’s personal health.

The EPA has declared PPO a carcinogenic chemical that is responsible for neurological, gastrointestinal, respiratory, and immune system dysfunctions, as well as liver disease.   The European Union, Mexico and Canada have all banned the use of this toxic chemical in anything to do with our food.

Can you avoid pasteurized almonds?

You can avoid pasteurized nuts but you have to buy your almonds  directly from the farmer or you have to buy organic.   The other exception to this rule is nuts that are foreign imports often avoid the irradiation.

In researching I found one source at Raw Nuts and Seeds where they sell organic almonds that are not pasteurized.   Nuts.com  sells organic almonds from Spain that are not pasteurized.   Amazon also sells some organic imported almonds that are not pasteurized.

If you live in California which is almond country you may be able to find a local farmer that will sell you nuts before they send them to be pasteurized (kind of the way some farmers will sell their raw milk before the milk truck picks it up- just don’t tell anyone).

Do You Eat Breakfast?We have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the the day, and here’s why.

If you deprive your body of food in the morning you may find that you feel tired, dizzy and have trouble concentrating. If you don’t eat anything in the morning, you will most likely find yourself craving something sweet to eat, as your body needs energy – NOW!

To compensate for no breakfast you may find yourself reaching for something very unhealthy, and you will be more likely to consume up to  twice as many calories than you would if you ate breakfast.

After a night’s sleep, your stomach is empty and requires fuel.  It makes sense that the best way to start the day is to energize and revitalize your body by eating a nutritious and healthy breakfast, that will keep you satisfied until lunch.

Our body needs a healthy breakfast packed full of vitamins and nutrients providing  us with energy and fuel for our brain.  The best types of foods to be eaten at breakfast are complex carbohydrates such as whole grains including oats, and 12 grain bread together with a small amount of fruit, yogurt and freshly squeezed juice.

These foods have a low GI (glycemic index), which means that they release glucose steadily and slowly into the bloodstream, unlike the unhealthier breakfast choices such as pastries. Foods with a low GI will keep you fuller for longer, preventing unhealthy snacking, and keep your energy levels steady while providing you with essential minerals and vitamins.

Many people like to consume some form of protein in the morning, as protein balances blood sugar levels and recent studies have also proven that concentration levels are enhanced if some form of protein is consumed during the breakfast meal.

The results are in and study after study proves that adults who eat breakfast in the morning perform better at work, have a healthier body weight and are more physically fit, so get eating!

Hamstrings are a group of three muscles at the back of the leg behind the thigh and have a lot to do with how flexible we are.  The hamstrings are involved in many of our daily activities, such as walking and running; so having tight hamstrings can put you at risk for back pain and injury.  Poor posture and a sedentary lifestyle are the main causes of tight hamstrings.

The first question is how do you know if your hamstrings are tight?

The “sit and reach” test measures lower back and hamstring flexibility.

Hamstrings Injuries | doctors victoria bcRemove your shoes and sit on the floor, legs extended in front of the body, toes pointing up and feet slightly apart, with the soles of the feet against the base of the step (if there is no step, any flat surface will work). Place the ruler on the ground between your legs or on the top of the step. Place one hand on top of the other, then reach slowly forward. At the point of your greatest reach, hold for a few seconds, and measure how far you have reached.

Adult Men – results in centimeters (cm)

  • Above 34 = Excellent
  • 28 to 34 = Above average
  • 23 to 27 = Average
  • 16 to 22 = Below average
  • Below 16 = Poor

Adult Women – results in centimeters (cm)

  • Above 37 = Excellent
  • 33 to 36 = Above average
  • 29 to 32 = Average
  • 23 to 28 = Below average
  • Below 23 = Poor

Here are two simple exercises you can do at home to help stretch your hamstrings. Remember to hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds and complete 3 repetitions of each stretch.

Stretching: Lying down

Hamstrings Injuries | doctors victoria bcLay flat on your back; bring up one leg at a time & hold onto the back of your thigh with one hand & the back of your calf with the other while using your hands to pull the leg towards you, keeping the knee bent. You will feel a strong stretch at the back of the middle of your thigh.  If you can’t reach your leg use a towel around your legs to pull your leg towards you.

Stretching: Seated

Hamstrings Injuries | doctors victoria bcSit on the edge of a chair with one leg bent and the other out in front of you. Lean forward keeping your back straight and your head up until you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh.

There are numerous exercises and stretches that will help increase your flexibility/strength and will help you avoid injuries.  Make an appointment with our healthcare practitioners and talk to them about appropriate stretches/exercises that are tailored specifically for you and your fitness level. The practitioners can assess any previous injuries or restrictions that you might be working with and set up an exercise plan that will work for you.